Thursday, 31 March 2016

Life Is A Journey Of Fate

Life is a journey which we all take travelling on the train of time and light.  With each of us having to disembark wherever our fate decrees. In the wider scheme of things it does not matter at what point each or any of us exit the train or light of time, unless we are 'history makers' and has the good or misfortune of being denied the opportunity to make such history. Of course, for those of us who believes in fate, it is impossible for anybody to really disembark from the train of time before his or her time.

This journey begins at birth and consciously ends at death, unless you believe in life after death; which remains largely unproven.  Whatever good or ill you do only has relevance for the living, unless a fateful action or omission you perpetrate, were to untimely rob the world of some fateful soul.
It seems to me that it make eminent good sense to strive to do as much good as you can, and have as much enjoyment and satisfaction as you are able to, before you return to oblivion, from whence you and I emanate.


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