A person is a reflection of their culture, of what they believe and how they live their lives. A bridge between the past and the future, between time and space and needs to try to keep them in harmony, less they become unbalanced. Not to be aware of the past and give it due consideration in the building of the future can distort the future. Neither is it wise to sacrifice your future because you choose to live in or as if you are in the past. One World One Human Race One Destiny (OWOHROD)
Monday, 9 May 2016
We have heard much about the might and the nefarious and subversive nature of the Rightist media; of the stranglehold which media magnets such as Rupert Murdock has over the reporting of what is given as 'truth' and what is given as 'misinformation. Of how they can not only 'manipulate' the 'news', but can also 'create' what is propagated by 'official' and 'respected' media outlets, such as the British Broadcasting Corporation, The Guardian, The Times, The Mirror, et at, as 'accurate' presentation - or representation - of what happened or is about to happen, such as when the media predicts a 'hung Parliament' in a general election, and you never know whether it is not doing so in order to try to swing the electorate from supporting one party to supporting another.
Whereas a Lefist political party tends to support the rights of ordinary people and those most disadvantaged by the existing status quo, the media, in most, if not all the 'liberal democracies', tends to support the conservatives and big businesses. Of course, this might be as we should really expect it to be, since the media is owned by big business, which are the primary supporters of the conservatives, be they the British Conservative Party or the American Republicon Party, or Right wing parties in South American countries, such as Brazil, Chile, Argentina, or Venezuela. The media is nothing, if not the mouthpiece of the Right and of big business. It is there media and they use it to determine and propagate what millions of ordinary people, wrongly take to be 'facts' or 'factual reporting' and what they take to be 'lies' and/or 'propaganda.
Of course, it is not only big business which uses the media to propagate 'news' which serves its self-interests. Rightist governments and political parties, such as in Britain and America, see the media as both a potential and actual ally, and will use them - both knowingly and unknowingly - to propagate misinformation, in order to achieve their objectives.
The concerted attempts by the British media to kill of the political career of the current Labour Party leader, Jeremy Corybn, is a prime example of how the media has become the willing and wilful hand-maiden and weapon of the the Right and big business. With very little exception, British broadcasters and journalists are baying at Corbyn's feet and snapping at his and his supporters' heels, in their implacably and hyenous determination to bring him and the Labour Party down. The attack is relentless and even treacherous, as the media exploits conspiratorial voices within the Labour Party, and magnify their importance and significance.
And why do they hate Jeremy Corbyn and the Corbynites so much, that, like the ruthless hyenas they and their media organs are, they and their masters want him gone? Some of his detractors would citing Jeremy's reputed adherence to traditional Labour Party values, and his willingness to challenge the 'new Thatcher-Blairite' orthodoxy which has become the ruling consensus of all the mainstream parties, since the 1980. They would also cited what they consider to be Corbyn's 'anti-business stance', which they see as counter productive, if Labour is to be successful in encouraging the creation and security of enough jobs for workers.
Probably even more significantly, however, is that it appears that Corbyn's unpopularity with the media and media organs is shared by a significant section of the British population; many of them having fallen for the classism which is on which it is based. Like the media, some of the British population dislike Jeremy Corbyn, because he looks and acts too much like them, and not the enough like the 'city slickers' they love to hate but aspire to be like.
It is 'the paradox of the soap opera', of a people who are given to self-hatred; of aspiring to have the wealth of 'the despised class,' while professing their dislike of them, or professing to admire a person's philosophical values, but being unable to empathise with their physical presentation or persona.
It is rather sad, but, the media, like the political and economic elites whose interests it serves most, should be treated with the same scepticism, guardedness and disdain which the ordinary citizens should have for the ruling elites.
Probably even sadder, is the increasing susceptibility of people and societies to being shaped by a media which, in the proverbial final analysis, is likely to prove itself to be the destroyer of both what is worthy of being preserved and what merits destruction. Today it serves the interests of the 'upper dogs or elites', but tomorrow it will serve the interests of nobody, as it feeds on the urge to 'scandalise',, 'controversise' and destroy the subjects of its often vile attention.
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