Sunday, 9 October 2016


Donald Trump has been a scourge of the American Presidential campaign, with him having said things which millions of people found and still find to be racist, Islamophobic, anti-libertarian, and, in the words of Bernie Sanders, the progressive campaigner who lost the race, "anti-American."

So, ok, as I have already said, I take issue with the labelling of Donald Trump as being 'Anti-American.' But what is it that is now turning more of the probably traditional Republicon priesthood against DT?  What is it that Trump is doing, or have done in the past that should now find such disfavour amongst the Republicon priesthood, and should be causing them to turn their backs on him, now, as opposed to previously?

Is the 'sin' or 'transgression' which this man had done 11 years ago, any greater than the ones he has 'committed' more recently? Is sexism and the harassment of women, which is not something he appears to have done on a massive scale, any greater than that which he has desplayed towards women who, e.g., are for 'pro-choice' in the abortion issue?  And what about his racist approach towards Mexican, and his Islamophobic attitude or proposed policies, which are more likely to cause greater harm than his reported sexist tendencies? 

Why is it that it is historical acts, which the Repbulicon priesthood is now using to draw the line on how far they will continue to reluctantly back him?

Yes, all of a sudden, the Republicon hierarchy has found themselves stumbling on 'principle', forcing them to look at it more closely, and finding that, despite their best endeavours, they really should not support their 'reluctant Presidential Candidate' any longer. 

Does this mean that the American media has become the 'conscience' of the nation, by repeatedly putting the candidates - both Hillary Clinton's and Donald Trump's - past 'misdemeanours under the microscope and eliciting revulsion from them?

In the meantime, Donald Trump is probably no different today than he had been yesterday, or, for that matter, 11 or more years ago. Except that, just prior to this latest disclosure, he was potentially a very powerful man, both financially and politically.

And now, DT and his and the Republicon's presidential campaign appear to have suffered a massive haemorrhage, with his Republicon backers deserting him like rats scuttling from a sinking ship; which it probably is, indeed.

Is this a fitting end for Donald Trump and the Republicons? For that, we will have to wait a few more weeks, and for the Republicons to cut the Don adrift in the stormy political waters. Not so as to enable them to safely get to their intended destination in the White House, but for them to survive to fight the 2020 Presidential campaign.

Politics might be a necessary evil, which survives and even thrives on opportunism, expediency and promises to the electorate, which are either never meant to or can be honoured. But the 'pragmatism' of the American Presidential campaign is probably a classic lesson on just how venal and dirty it can get; except for the fact that it is not being made worse by violence.

The Republicons, after this debacle, will need to carry out a fundamental reform and probably even rebranding of themselves, as Donald Trump is really an embodiment of their party. Including the racism, the Islamophobism, the neo-colonialism, the sexism, and the anti-women philosophy.

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