And so it came to pass, that man created gods to himself, each original nation and tribe, unto themselves created their own gods and fashioned them into their own images. And man, having conferred on his gods powers which they do not possess, became fearful of them, having conferred on them their own anger, spitefulness and the terror which is in their own hearts.
And men used their gods to legitimise their own cruelty and blood-lust, much more than they have ever used them as instruments of peace, as if their gods thrive on the death and destruction of humans.
And having created their own gods in their own image, man has gone about selling them to others, beseeching them to put away their 'own gods' and proclaiming theirs as the 'only true god.' And so, man's gods have become like just another consumer product, which has the promise of bringing happiness and, in some cases, everlasting life to the 'buyer.' But which most probably does not do so, because the gods remain without their own voice and speech, and keep their own counsel.
And well might it be said; let each man, each tribe and each nation, if they chose to do so, create their own gods or subscribe to any of the existing gods of their choice, if they choose to do so. But let no man, nor tribe, nor nation nor religion, coerce or force any human, or tribe or nation into worshipping their gods.
One man proclaims himself to be moved by the gods and, in so doing, devotes himself to doing 'great works', which he could have done if he had declared himself moved by a beautiful tree.
Another man proclaims himself moved by god and goes on a conquests, converting thousands or millions of people to this or that religion by force of arms and fear. And yes, he could have achieved the same 'greatness' had he proclaimed himself moved by a beautiful poem or tree.
Let the believer believes, if he/she chooses to do so, and let the non-believer retains his/her right not to believe - in god - if that is what they chose to do, and let them be free to freely discuss the merits and demerits of believing or not believing, because that is what it is to be cogent humans.
Wisdom comes from peaceful and informed debate, with the parties being respectful to themselves and their subjects, but not being afraid to interrogate any aspects of their subjects.
Belief and non-belief might be like night and day, darkness and light, with each being part of the whole and neither being of lesser value in its uniqueness.
Make your god happiness; yours and others, and commit your living, if you will, to achieving, in this life.
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