Thursday, 20 October 2016


There are times when us humans find it difficult to cope with the apparently unpalatable reality of our aloneness, our purposeless, our temporality. The fact that there are no grand designs for us; no higher purpose, and nothing divine about our fate. We find it unconscionable that, however powerful we might become, as we evolve and increase our mastery over our internal and external environments, when our time comes for us to depart from the paradise or hell we have built upon the face of the earth, and the near void of the infinite space above us, there is nothing we can do about it, but allow the chariot of destiny to take us back to the infinity from whence we evolve.

And so it is that you might think that us humans would spend our temporality more fruitfully, making the world a better place. After we, the collective and accumulative we, have made into a place of great misery, inequality, oppression and suffering. A place in which the collective we are constantly destroying and rebuilding, taking one or two steps forward and two or three steps backward. Because, how can we be constantly destroying and rebuilding, without falling behind in terms of the depreciation of our collective humanity, and the resources which we are having to expend in our constant rebuilding?

We cannot. And so it seems to me that the world is probably not becoming a better place, and that, as we humans continue on the path of our slow but relentless evolution, so are we relentlessly devolving into the destructiveness of wars, conflicts, greed, selfishness, and the exploitation of the many for the perceived advantage and benefit of the few.

How much better would it be, if us humans could cooperate, consistently, to make our collective transient lives repleted with more satisfaction, more happiness and joy, instead of being constantly in conflict with ourselves, or too often resorting to it.

Probably if there was a sentient and wise god or gods, there might have been more hope that we will achieve a living utopia, but, as there are obviously none, we humans will continue to along our doomed path, until we self-destruct or evolve into more prudent beings.

Although to be living should be to be hopeful of a better future for humanity, it is still very disconcerting that, there is little or no evidence that us humans, as a collective, are evolving and developing the collective consciousness and wisdom which is required to advance us into a post-conflict and warfare epoch.

~In living your life and pursuing the pleasure which should be your aim, do take care to avoid contributing towards the conflict and unhappiness which seems to have become the fate of too many humans. Endeavour to live in peaceful coexistence with your fellow humans.

Although humans have accumulated more knowledge and 'facts' than our ancestors, there is little evidence that we have collectively become better as using this reservoir of knowledge to govern ourselves better than the ancients.

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