A war memorial in Edinburgh
On the second day of our stay in Edinburgh, we woke up and got out of bed, not quite 'bright and early', as it was, and, after performing the usual tasks, made our way down to the restaurant for breakfast. Here we were served by competent and attentive staff, as well as being 'entertained' by one of them. With the stamina derived from our lovely breakfast, we resolved to take the bus and make our way back to the City Centre, resorting to the No.31 bus to do so.
As we did the day before, we again alighted in Princess Street, just in front of Edinburgh Castle. Gone was the illuminating lights, which were now replaced by a Sun which seemed to lack its fire and heat, and was more than reluctant to leave the shelter of the clouds behind which it took refuge from a dour and hazy morning. As far as having a sunny and bright day was concerned, it would not get much better than this for the rest of the day; which meant that it would not be a good day for taking photographs.
There would be no rain, but also beautiful and sunny day either. But this was still no cause for despondency or great chagrin; after all, we were on a visit to Edinburgh, one of, if not the United Kingdom's primier cities, which meant that, come Sun, rain or snow, it was incumbent on the intrepid visitor to enjoy themselves. Which we did.
A statute of His Highness Federick, Duke of York.
And so we walked about the lower Princess Street, end of Edinburgh Castle, admiring its gardens, monuments, and the terrain around parts of the Castle walls. Then we proceeded to upto the Castle gate and front entrance, from which we could view the surrounding parts of the City, which is lower than the Castle, as well as the distant hills beyond. On this occasion we did not go inside of the Castle. Instead, we walked around parts of the Old Town area, including visiting the "Whiskey Experience", shop, where the thirsty visitor can buy scores of different brands and strength of Scottish Whiskey, to quench his/her parched thirst, or to take home with them.
It was by now after 12 noon, and time for some non-alcoholic drinks, so we made our way to one of the cafe's, bought some tea and drinking chocolate, and went upstairs to relax and drink it. Next we visited ST. Giles Cathedral, as we made our way from the Castle's entrance, and explored the surrounding area.
As we did so, we began to contemplate making a trip to Glasgow, about a 80 or 90 minutes train ride to the west of Edinburgh.
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