Friday, 21 October 2016


Russia and the Russians are being relentlessly demonised and enimyised with a new urgency. This is not something new, but it has clearly been given new momentum of late.

The United States Secretary of State for foreign affairs has, over recent days, albeit, in obvious vernacular distress, went so far as to accused the Russians of being "barbarians"; a term which has since been disconcertingly used to describe Russian and Syrian government action in the proxy war in Syria.

With great refrain, the governments and politicians in many western countries, but, primarily France, Britain and the United States, have taken to describing the military action of Russia and the Syrian government, in eastern Aleppo - they are noticeably mute, deaf and blind regarding the fate of the people of western Aleppo - as "barbarous" and "war crimes" or "possible war crimes."

This, of course, is not something which neither the Russian or Syrian governments can ignore, as it is the west, more than any other region of the world, which determines what constitutes "war crimes" and acts of "barbarism." And it is the west which has taken on the role of laying charges of 'war crimes' and 'genocide' against, mostly, if not entirely, African leaders, politicians and warlords who have indulged in slaughtering the citizens of their countries.

Of course, there are those occasions where, although it is Africans who are doing the killing and destruction of the innocent, the manipulators and instigators are based in other countries; oftentimes in the west. It is here, in the calmness and peaceful security of countries such as France, Britain, America and Germany and other European Union countries, where we will find the chess masters who are manipulating the 'chess pieces' on the bloody battlefields of Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Mali, DRC, et al.

Leaders should be building and maintaining bridges between people; not destroying or undermining them!

Just as how the offices of western governments were the places where the division of the former European and American colonies were shared out and fought over in the 18th and 19th centuries.  So are these countries being used, again, to decide the new partition - either or both physical and political - of the 21st century world.

It is this partition and the Euro-and American-centric world view underpinning it, and Russia's differing worldview, which is at the heart of the  intensified war which the west is fighting against the Russians.

Could the taming of the tiger be a precursor for the diminishing of conflict between nations, and in this century?

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