Wednesday, 30 November 2016


Life is, indeed, for living, which can and should include contemplating, even if it be of ones or others' death or state of non-existence. For, it is truly the case that, only through life can we contemplate death or the state of oblivion, whereas we cannot through the latter contemplate a state of being alive or existing

And so, it is my argument that, in living our greatest aspiration or most fervent quest should be that of attaining happiness through a life of pleasure, probably not being entirely devoid of toil, because it is the case that sometimes we live more intensely through the challenges which do threaten our survival. And we do collectively become stronger and survive longer because of these challenges. As is the process with our evolution.

Yet, it is also the case that, living on the edge, pumped up with adrenaline most of the time, is not a desirable state of living for the many.

Life, the good or better life is probably - because, on a human level, nothing other than death is probably certain - achieved by those of us who can configure a proper balance into how we live in the present, while cogitating or reflecting on the past, and contemplating and planning for the future. 

Because, it is probably only in the present that we can truly live and have heightened experiences, whereas, if we become too occupied by the past, we will miss out on the realisation of the potential the present offers us. Being preoccupied with the past is also likely to rob us of the prospects of creating a better future, as it makes it more likely that we will 'recreate' the past in the future, in a kind of backward looking vision. 

But most importantly as individual humans and families of humans, it is my view that we should endeavour to live mostly in the present, because, except in a contrived and unenlightened manner, we cannot properly live in the past, and our potential chances of progress into the future is limited by our individual fates.

In aspiring towards the future, we should be forever mindful that we can never truly grasp it fully, because we must contemplate it within, not necessarily the future of a nation, or of a specie, but of a person, and therefore, conceive of it within the 'normal lifetime of a person.' 

And thus it is that, in living our lives, let each person, each tribe, each nation and the world become motivated by the principle of living in and extracting the maximum pleasure from doing soRemembering that it is the past which tends to so negatively impact on the present, and obstruct our desire to have a better future.

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