Tuesday, 8 November 2016


I think it might still be uncertain whether the poet did say, 'Life is a bitch, and then you die.' 

Yet, there are times in our lives when we might be tempted to say, 'life is a bitch or a terror, and then you have to go on living, or suffering living.'

This is because, although for millions of us humans, the acute and chronic pain and suffering which hundreds of thousands, if not millions of other people are having to endure for periods, if not all of their living, is something which, fortunately, tend to be alien to the rest of us who are not having to endure it.

For these sufferers, living is a daily struggle, with their pain and suffering not going away, but using and abusing their bodies and their minds as hosts on whom to feed. With there being times when, like all or most humans, they might be tempted, if not forced to contemplate the purpose of continuing to live, and thereby sustain the emotional, psychological and/or physical suffering which is preying on their very existence.

But, as much as each of us might contemplate the suffering of others, and be thankful that we, at least, not yet, are having to endure their terrible travail, we do remain fearful that, at some stage in our living, we might, like growing old and eventually dying, which is the reward or curse of 'old age', many of us might be fated to be afflicted by such suffering.

And so it is that we should, as it were, count our blessings - not blessings of the gods, but of randomly dispersed  good fortune - and take no pleasure in the suffering of others, whether or not we believe that it was or is deserved.

In endeavouring to to navigate your way through the essentials and complexities of living as a human, try to avoid passing judgement on others, as your probably cannot really know how they have come to travel the path which they have taken, or you might believe they have taken to reach where they have arrived. Our living is more than a page in a book and can be more complex than a galaxy. It cannot accurately be summed up as 'good' or 'bad.'

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