Sunday, 6 November 2016


Fate being contemplated?

And so they tried to destroy the brother by making grievous and unfounded allegations against him, trying to bring down and destroy the brother. 

Trying to destroy those who love and respect the brother. Why this merciless and vengeful attack on a brother who has been making his contribution to the greater good and more than they can or will ever make? 

Why this attempt to destroy the lives and being of so many? Do the assassins imagine that they can make such an attempt at causing pain to so many in their reckless and sociopathic  actions without also devaluing and harming themselves, if they are not impervious to pain, like they appear impervious empathy?

Do these assassins take some perverted pleasure in destroying other people's lives, in their endeavour to achieve their own goals?
And if so, what are their goals; what is it that has driven them to so mercilessly inflicted such pain and torment on so many innocent humans? 

What do they seek to gain, that could be worthy of such an excessive price demanded of those on whom it is levied? Surely it cannot be in the attempt to gain any fame, seeing that such spitefulness can only achieve notoriety and infamy? 

Can it be in an attempt to gain financial rewards? Possibly, if one were to find themselves in such a debased position as to contrive such a clever and despicable plot to that end.

Or, could it be in an attempt to gain 'justice' for some perceived injustice of some sort? But, if so, what 'injustice' could lead the assassins to imagine that it would be 'just' for them to inflict such a terrible price on so many innocent people to achieve their 'justice'?

Can 'justice' ever be achieved at such a greatly disproportionate cost of injustice to others, against whom you have no reasonable complaint of being wronged.

And so are enemies made and enmity immortalised, and, at the end of the battle, only hatred, sadness and badly damaged or destroyed relationships and lives are left. 

And if there are any 'victories', they are only pyrrhic ones, which only exist in the demented thinking of those who have made the attack.

There are times when the path ahead seems unclear and distant, but, as we reach each point and look back, we will begin to appreciate how far we have travelled and how much progress we have made.

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