This is a continuation of Taku2u's imaginary conversation with God. In having this conversation, Taku2u is working on the premis that, like a father or mother to their children, God would not object to his children - based on the proposition of the creationists - having an frank and honest conversation with him/her/deity.
T.: So, G, you will doubtlessly have heard
what is good news for some humans, and bad news for others, that ~Mr Donald
Trump has won the United States of America’s Presidential Election. Can I ask
what you make of this, something which some commentators have been calling a
seismic development?
G.: Well, T, as you know, if you were to
give me the level of prescience which the scribes and prophets of old have
attributed to me, you will no doubt be taking it for granted that I was already
aware of what the outcome of the election would have been. Indeed, if you were
to pretend to be a latter day prophet, you might even attribute the outcome to
be something which I have orchestrated.
You could, for example, say that I have
allowed Donald Trump to win, because, as a representative of the Republicon
Party, his administration would empower the conservatives, who have been
somewhat on the decline recently, to reassert their dominance. Yes, by me
allowing ‘The Don’ to take up occupancy in the White House, the Conservatives
will again be able to fill ‘sacred seats’ of the US Supreme Court with the judicial guardians of conservative values about the family, the role of women in the
home and in society, and about whether or not women have a right to have
All of which, you might be thinking, T, sounds remarkably similar to
what you might have expected of an Islamic Imam of the old school. Yes, you
might not be too far wrong if you were to imagine that, had it not been for the
humans who you call ‘the progressives’, ‘the enlightened ones’, the
conservative Republicons would probably have had women in America as
subservient to and oppressed by men, as they are in the more orthodox and
ossified Islamic or predominantly Muslim countries. Who would have
believed it, that there could be so much essential similarities between ‘the
Land of the Free’, and those considered ‘unfree’?
T.: Yes, I can go along with all or most of
what you have said, G. It really is interesting how some things which we can
consider to be so essentially different, can be, when you examine them from a
different angle or perspective, have so much in common. Indeed, it might
well be a reflection of the paradox of how we see ourselves and how others see
us, with them seeing in us what we had not previously seen in ourselves, or
vice a versa.
Which is probably not surprising, as, in order to see, as opposed
to imagining how we really are, we have to complete the complex task of getting
out of ourselves, as it were, and then look back on and in ourselves. Being
social beings, it is the case, I believe, that ones self, is a factor of the I or
me, and aspects of the other, or them. But let us leave that as it is, if you
will indulge me, G.
So, Donald Trump winning the USA presidential election
could, for the believers and those given to religious excesses, be your way of
punishing the secularists, by giving power to the Conservatives. But, is the victory of ‘The Don’ not much more than about that?
To be continued.
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