Monday, 28 November 2016


As for the impact of the American economic embargo on Cuba, which it the real cause of the economic crisis the country has been suffering, and is what is intended by the Americans, it is also a fact that millions of Americans are also suffering from acute and chronic poverty. The fact that they might be doing so in an assumed state of 'freedom and democracy', does not make their pain and discomfort, their destitution any easier to bear.

And then there are the benefits of the Fidelista revolution, such as the high standard of health care and education, which Cubans are enjoying.

And so it is, that, Fidel Castro, having done his bit for his country, should have moved on by ceasing to lead his country, and pass the baton onto his brother, Raul, and should now have exited the world and leave others to continue to build a Cuba fit for the Cuban people. While it is the case that, a nation cannot be built according to a particular model, if the builders are changed too frequently and are not committed to the model, so too, is it likely that, if the same builders remain for too long, they will become insular, prone to corruption and make the nation their servants, instead of them serving it.

We have seen this happening in the United States, and it might have been happening in Cuba.

Fidel might have done better to have given up the reign of power earlier than he had, and if anything, this might have been his biggest disservice to his country and his people. What there is no doubt about, is the fact that he has done a great service to them and millions of other people all over the world. Thus was the man a true legend of his time, and is owed a mark of gratitude from man.

And just a word for the government in the United States. You and the mostly white Cuban counter-revolutionaries and vultures in Miami, who are making merry at the death of the Great man, do not have the moral or legal prerogative to condemn either Fidel or Raul Castro or the Cuban government. All you have on your side is negative but destructive force of might. 

Right belongs to the Cuban people, whom you have been bleeding and holding in captivity with 40 odd years of economic blockage. This is a testimony to the corruption and unjust interference which the government of the United States have been waging on Cuba for decades. 

It it the Government and governmental system in the United States which is behaving like a brutal and cruel dictator; not the Castros, or the Cuban Government! 

The fact that the Cuban regime has survived and continue to survive, despite the despicable and unjust war the Americans have been persistently and constantly waging on it, is, indeed, a testimony to the right and justness of the cause their are fighting for; namely that of 'their right to determine their own path, their own fate, and to be able to do so, free of American oppression and domination.' 

The Cuban conspirators in Miami, and their establishment backers, as well as the 'so-called civilized western world leaders who are turning their backs on the Cuban government and people, are mere lesser beings. They do not stand as tall and proud as the Cubans in Cuba; the people who have faced up to the Americans and their cronies, and have survived and prosper, probably nearly as well as any other island in the Caribbean. Cuba and the Cubans, for all the excesses and sacrifices of the past, have been like a David to the American Goliath .

Adios, Fidel; you have played your part in a continuing journey, and you have done it reasonably well.

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