A person is a reflection of their culture, of what they believe and how they live their lives. A bridge between the past and the future, between time and space and needs to try to keep them in harmony, less they become unbalanced. Not to be aware of the past and give it due consideration in the building of the future can distort the future. Neither is it wise to sacrifice your future because you choose to live in or as if you are in the past. One World One Human Race One Destiny (OWOHROD)
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
If you were to believe much of the commentary following on from Donald Trump's election as the US' President Elect, you would think that the world is coming to an end. His unexpected election victory, for the very reason that it was so unexpected, has provided a feed-fest for the profits of doom. It has become a matter of dread for those who are looking for signs that the world is about to end. That 'Rome is in decline', and the 'barbarians are at the gates' of civilisation.
But, is this really what is happening; are 'the Barbarians' really at the gates of the 'civilised world', waiting to lay siege to it and bring it down, brick by brick? I suspect that that could be so, but that it is unlikely to be the case
What is likely, however, is that the rise of the nationalists and the right and far-right activists, who see the Trump/Rebublicons, and Brexit 'victories' as inducements to come out and make their case to the electorates in their respective countries. In Britain, for example, tabloids like the Daily Express is wasting no time espousing Trum''s call for deport illegal immigrants en masse, by arguing that Britain should do the same.
No longer do we have to worry ourselves with 'reds under the beds'; it is now a matter of nationalists, fascists, racists, xenophobes and Islamophobes crawling from under their beds.
~So, as I noted, we are not, in my view, seeing the rise and ascendancy of the fascists, or the racists, or the xenophobes or the Islamophobes. Just as how the political left is not the majority of the electorate, so is the political right not the majority. Chances are that the majority of the electorate is still firmly located in the middle of the political spectrum, even though they might have a greater tendency to towards the left of right. Not surprising, as when it comes to issues such as immigration, jobs and welfare, people, in general, tend to be more conservative in their politics.
Probably of a greater danger to 'democracy' and national and world peace, is the defective nature of our electoral systems, and the increasing apathy and lack of participation in the election process, by the electorate. Quite simply, people have become alienated from politics, which has had the unfortunate effect of making 'demogogues' such as Trump, such as Farage, such as Duterte, yes, such as Marianen Le Pen, Tayyip Erdogan, Poland's Law and Justice Party, et al, undeservedly more appealing and, yes, in the modern parlance, 'more sexy.'
I might also add that, another cause of the disenchantment and disillusionment which the electorate is feeling, the belief that, whichever politician and political party is in government, any difference they make is only marginal. That being the case, the fact that none of them make any noticeable difference, means that most people can get on with their lives irrespective of who is leading them, including President Elect Donald Trump. Now, that might be a slight exaggeration, but there is enough truth in it to lead a significant portion of the electorate not to go through the bother of voting.
To be continued.
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