Facts on the ground can be changed, but only is the conflicting parties, especially the dominant one's are willing to acted the outcome of arbitration
So, the current government of the state of Israel does not like to be scolded, but then, who does, even when, as in this case, the Mr Netanyahu's government is really deserving of a good whipping?
Consequently, Mr Netanyahu and his government has reacted with shock and indignation at the decision of the United Nation's Security Council to censure it for its continuing violation of the rights of the Palestinians. By passing a resolution demanding that the government of Israel stop building Jewish settlements on occupied territories in Palestine.
This is after Israel has restated its intention to continue to build settlements on Palestinian lands. What has irked Mr Netanyahu and his government most, is that their, until now, unequivocal ally and protector, the United States, has decided to abstain during the voting on the resolution, thereby allowing its passage.
The current progress of the outcome of negotiations to achieve a just settlement between Israel and the Palestinians?
This, Mr Netanyahu and his government, is interpreting and projecting as the United States, and, in particular, the Obama Administration, having 'abandoned' and 'betraying' the state of Israel. We know that there is no love lost between the two men, but I can imagine what Mr Netanyahu and his circle must be thinking and saying about President Obama. The 'unspeakables.'
While any reasonable person would consider the Obama Administration's action to be a reasonable and just one, Netanyahu and his government has sought to portray it a "shameful" act. This could be a description which is intended to have some resonance with how some governments, including America and European ones, 'stood by' while Hitler and the Nazi went about planning and implementing their pogams against Jewish Europeans during WW2.
The government of Israel, despite the paradoxical but deceptive spin which its UN Ambassador, Danny Danon, has disingenuously cited, is actually making out that the passing of this resolution is an 'anti Jewish' and 'anti-semitic' act. Yes, it is actually threatening to characterise the UN's Security Council's resolution as being an expression of 'anti-semitism.'
To be continued.
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