Saturday, 31 December 2016


And so for those of us who have not yet gazed upon it, because of our geographical location on Planet Earth, does the New Year, 2017 approaches our orbit. Foretelling further promises of what is yet to come, for each and all of us.

That for some of us, it will be a continuation of the good fortune we, you or the others have enjoyed in the past year, 2016. And that for still others, sadly, tragically, it there will be no change from the misfortune which we, they, the others have had to endure and suffer, in 2016. 

That for others, it will indeed be the case that there will be a joyous turnaround in their lives, as the gods of misfortune are defeated by the gods of god fortune, transforming their misfortune to, at last, good fortune, and blessing them with the pleasure and happiness that they have not known for some time or, indeed, a very long time.

That for some of us who have been blessed only with the happiness and the joys which are the preserve of those on whom good fortune have dwelled, 2017 will indeed be an odd year and a year in which some or all of our, their good fortune will abandon them, us.

Because it is the nature of the tide to ebb and flow, as it yields to the gravitational forces of the universe. As it is the sequence of the Sun to rise in the East and make its way to West, as it for the rain to fall one day and for the Sun to shine the next, so is it the fate of humans to happy one day, one year and to sad and be in despair the next.

And as we look towards the New Year, 2017, so it is that some of us will realise the dreams and the plans which we will be taking into to it, but it is not really given to any of us to really know what fate has in store for any of us. Except that some of us will fail, while some of us will succeed, as surely as some of us will be given to depart from the train of the living, as surely as 2017 will see millions of babies being born to take the place of those of us whose destiny will have arrived.

So, as you approach and take your seat in 2017, not knowing whether you will travel to the end of it; make it your resolution to live your life as happily as you can, getting as much pleasure as you are able to, without deliberately or avoidably preventing or constraining the rightful pleasure and enjoyment of others.

Make the best you can of 2017; remembering that it is your endeavour - and that of others - which make 'dreams' come through, and not  'wishing' it. Whatever legitimate pleasure and happiness you achieve in 2017, please do not forget to spread them, so that your fellow humans and the universe will also share it, as you contribute towards the abundance of happiness in the universe! 

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