A person is a reflection of their culture, of what they believe and how they live their lives. A bridge between the past and the future, between time and space and needs to try to keep them in harmony, less they become unbalanced. Not to be aware of the past and give it due consideration in the building of the future can distort the future. Neither is it wise to sacrifice your future because you choose to live in or as if you are in the past. One World One Human Race One Destiny (OWOHROD)
Sunday, 11 December 2016
Time is running out for Yahya Jammeh, the President of Gambia. It is not surprising that he has had second thoughts about honourably handing over power, and has now chosen to stage a preemptive coup, in a last ditched effort to remain in power and avoid the retribution which he knows well is coming his way.
For Yahya Jammeh, this attempted coup is the second one he has orchestrated in 22 years. The first as a young apparently idealistic military officer, and, now, this one. The first, he might have argued, was to safe the Gambia, but he cannot make any such claims about this coup attempt, which is nothing more than a cynical and deceitful attempt to safe his own skin, at the cost of the security of Gambians and their country.
Like so many other African dictators, be it Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Blaise Compaore of Burkina Faso, Hisse'ne Habre' of Chad, et al, Yahya has become infatuated with power, which he has corrupted and made or tried to make unaccountable to the people of the Gambia.
Like other dictators, he believes that he owns the Gambia and Gambians, and that it is they who are meant to serve him, and not the Presidency serving the people and the country. The Gambia, if he is allowed to have his way, will become synonymous with Yahya Jammeh, with all of his failings, his greed, his myopic vision, and his lack of good leadership.
But, President Jammeh, I suspect that your time has come; the game is up for you, even though your pathetic conspiracy might delay your departure, and, sadly, even cost the lives and livelihood of some Gambians.
Of course, you should think carefully about what you are attempting to do, because it could require you to pay a higher price than you might have had to pay by just doing the decent thing - providing you are capable of behaving decently and honourably, seeing that you was once a soldier - and just leave office. Doing so might yet result in you having to face a court of law, and even do some jail time.
But to try to destabilise the Gambia, could yet cost you your life. The choice is yours. The International Criminal Court will never be short of people to prosecute for crimes against humanity, while there are self-seeking and corrupt leaders like you in positions of power which you are abusing.
It will be interesting to see if the Gambia's armed forces choose to be guided by the principles of dishonour, which you clearly embodied, and defend you, or defend the vision of a small but proud country which wants to move forward in a honourable and peaceful manner, by protecting the country against your attempted treason.
And so, Mr Jammeh, what decision are you going to make? To honour the decision of the electorate of Gambia, and move aside and let the President Elect, Mr Barrow, assumes the office of power which he has won, or are you going to be the cause of avoidable conflict and blood-shed amongst Gambians?
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