Saturday, 7 January 2017


So, what the hell has gone down in Chicago, that legendary and now infamous City in America's north-eastern region?
Did these 4 young African-American men and women really kidnapped, abused and tortured their young white American compatriot?

If so, why? What is it that could possibly have led two black young men and two black young women to perpetrate such heinous abuses and violence on another human being? Not unnaturally, when something as apparently incomprehensible to reasonable humans, such as us who abhor it, we do tend to look into the field of sociology and abnormal psychology for an answer.

Looking at the faces of these young people, I might be mistaken for thinking that they demonstrate a certain amount of nihilism. Now, if it is the case that there is something nihilistic about all or some of these young people, what would that mean?

Well, firstly, we need to consider the definition of hihilism. One definition of 'nihilism' is 'rejecting all religious and moral principles in the belief that life is meaningless.' So says Google. Still another definition (Miriam Webster's), which can also be found on Google, is that it can be 'a viewpoint that traditional values and beliefs are unfounded and that existence is senseless and useless'

For the discerning person, however, neither of these explanation would sufficiently proffer an adequate explanation as to why these four young men and women have displayed such extreme brutality towards a fellow human being. Why, had it probably not been for their own desire to preserve their own pathetic lives, they might have been just the kind of young people who would have become good recruits to the rank of Daesh and its so-called Islamic State.

These definitions tell us how the nihilistic person can perceive life and religious and moral values as meaningless, and of the perceived absence of any ultimate truth - probably except in that there is no other purpose to living except that which us humans contrive and are able to give expression to - outside of our own perceptions. But such definitions  cannot easily explain why these young people would then used their nihilistic mindset as a rationale for launching such a brutal attack on this young man. 

If we accept as a fact, that their is no, let us say, supreme meaning or purpose to life and living, that, of itself, would not lead us devalue our or other's lives or existence. To do that, we would have to become debased, to the point where we see nothing wrong with causing pain to living things, including ourselves - themselves, in the case of these young fiends - and to others. 

We would have to become inured to having pain inflicted upon us, and us inflicting pain on others. The meaningfulness and purpose which 'life', 'living' and 'human existence' have, are those which us humans confer on them. That does not make them any less valuable or significant than if the gods, if they had existed, had themselves decreed it to be so. Anarchy does not have to follow 'naturally' from nihilism.

To be continued.

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