Monday, 9 January 2017


Now, it is said that power corrupts, in which case, it might be that power has the capacity to corrupt honest people with integrity; people who has clear visions of what they want to achieve and how to achieve it. Essentially, people who want to achieve objectives which are intended for the good or betterment of society.

However, upon having achieved the power which should enable them to do so, people in power find that there are strings attached to their power, strings which they have to pull and by which they are pulled by those who control those strings. Without which this new founded power cannot be exercised effectively or efficiently.

And so are the honest incumbents of power find themselves at the mercy of those within the system through which the exercise of power is conducted, and whom they must  either remove or yield to. Which might be very difficult, if not impossible to achieve, as the pullers and controllers of the strings through which they control the incumbents of power, also have their own sub-systems, which impact on the incumbents of power.

And so are honest and well-meaning people, assuming power, find themselves being corrupted or nullified by the puppeteers of power who pull the strings by which they are controlled, and loose their way and have their visions corrupted.

But what of those incumbent of power who might be deemed, or suspected to have been corrupted even before they assume greater power; probably such as becoming POTUS, Donald Trump?  How have or will they deal with the additional opportunities which greater power provides them with to serve their own or other's interests, namely those of citizens of their country?

It certainly is possible for them to choose to do good instead of evil. To work for the common good, instead of their own and their manipulators' best interests.  But, how likely is it that greater power will propel them to becoming more honest and less inclined to carry out their responsibilities corruptly?

To have, as it were, a 'Damascenean conversion', notwithstanding the fact that, in Donald Trump's case, he apparently professes himself to be a representative and defender of Christian values?

Is there not already evidence that PE Donald Trump is using the power of the Presidency of the United States to reward those who submit to his authority, whether or not it is being legitimately and morally exercised, and to use it to punish those who do not comply with his decrees? Is this not evidence of greater power further corrupting, instead of making a more principled man of Donald Trump? 

How easy it might be for the man leading a government which controls all the three branches of that government to feel that he can literally walk on water, or make the dead rise again?

To be continued.

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