Saturday, 21 January 2017


And so it seems to me, that, there is probably little doubt that President Trump will, indeed, prove himself to be the very reactionary and conservative POTUS which he has been promising to become, even if he does not consider himself to be a reactionary President. 

In fact, steeled and goaded by Republicon dominance in all 3 branches of the American Government, it is quite likely that The Don will exceed what he has promised. With probably at least one exception; he will not be able to 'magaised' America. President Donald Trump Will Not Be Able To Make America Great Again. Period!

Why? Because he is too self-centred; too egotistical; too selfish and insular. Great countries and empires are the ones with outward looking leaders. With leaders who  see themselves as having something of value which can resonate with people in other countries; with ideals and aspirations which other people and nations can identify with. 

Consider the endeavours of President Putin of the Russian Federation, and President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China? Both China and Russia are outward looking, while endeavouring to also meet the needs of their own population, notwithstainding the fact that China has 1.350billion people, compared to the RF's 143 million, and the U.S' 318 million.

Donald Trump's mantra is 'America First', which is a selfish mantra. The mantra of 'meism.' So, Trump's insularism is not a characteristic which augurs well for the achievement of greatness. Secondly, the American people are too divided for the achievement of 'greatness.' He does not have sufficient support from his fellow citizens, many or even most of whom might have different criteria for measuring 'greatness.'

What with massive schism between Democrats and Republicons; between the religious conservatives and the religious progressives; between the advocates for women's rights and the anti-abortionists and anti-parenthood schemes; the haves against the haves not, the law and order stalwarts and the advocates against judiciary extremism and racism, etc, etc.

Has Donald Trump, even with the 'magic' of The Presidential Executive Order (TPEO) has what it takes to bring Americans together again, as one people and one nation, standing in unity and steadfastness to 'make America great again'? Some would say definitely not. I would say I cannot see him and his Republicon Administration doing it. 

Not with them pursuing policies which are the political equivalent of 'a fatwa' against American progressives and the advocates of a 'we are one world, and one human race community of nations.'

After all, and there are good reasons to support this argument, namely that it is the Republicons who have been breaking America, who have been holding it back, as more progressive leaders, yes, like former President Obama, try to make it into a more progressive country. 

You do not promote unity by practising the doctrine of 'meism', of 'America First', which has to be achieved at the cost of other workers, nations and countries. Neither do you achieve unity by exploiting and causing divisions amongst people, both nationally and internationally.

To be continued.

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