Former President Obama's battle cry was, 'yes, we can', which also implied 'we as Americans united with a common purpose and endeavour.' And now, as befitting his devil-may-care approach, President Donald Trump is being more forceful, in his use of the phrase, 'We will.'
Yes, you can make the lives of millions of Americans and citizens of other countries, worse, Mr President, considering that you only have to sign this and that PEO to negatively impact their lives, in some cases, at least. But, it is likely that the world can hold firm and see out your 4 year onslaught on our sanity.
Remember, also, that, just as how it takes only an impudent POTUS signing a Presidential Executive Order, to cause havoc, if not disaster. So might it take only a prudent one, 4 years from now, to try to put right or mitigate the harm you are now about to inflict on the world.
Sadly for the American people, they cannot be blamed or held responsible for the probable catastrophe which Donald Trump and his Republicons might unleash on them, and on the world. For that, we should hold the imperfect system of American and British 'democracy.'
A 'revolving door system of democracy', in which political power is shared between only the two main political parties, neither of which has any interest in improving both the structure and the functioning of the system.
That is a blood disgrace, and it has resulted in Brexit, in Britain, and Trumpism in America, in both cases, outcomes which do not sufficiently reflect the views of the each country's population, but, because of the quirk of their 'democratic system' has come to be seen as doing so.
'AF' stands for 'America First', but it can also stand for 'America Falls', or, 'After the Fall.' Clearly, nobody, well, not me, would want to see 'America falls', because of the demagoguery of Donald Trump and his band of Republicon opportunists. So, would it not be better for The Don and his Republicons to fall, instead of America?
Which could give currency to the new 'battle cry' of those who opposes them; 'The Don Must Fall', or 'President Trump Must Fall.' If that were to happen, it would probably not dislodge the Republicons from power, but it would significantly affect their morale and weaken them.
The Republicon Administration will be using Donald Trump much more than he will be using them. Consequently, without him at the helm, they will feel more exposed and culpable for their destructive policies, which they will no longer be able to 'justify' on the basis of them 'just following orders.' Thus they would be forced to behave more responsibly, especially considering that their Administration is massively unpopular both within and outside of America.
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