Monday, 30 January 2017


No, it would not do for Prime Minister May to be seen to be lecturing President Trump, TU, about his idiotic and racist immigration policies towards Muslims. How could she, when she probably at least partially supports such policies? 

Is Prime Minister May not busily and desperately making plans to effect her country's detachment from the European Union? And is keeping immigrants out of 'HMS Probably Soon To Be Great Again', not a substantial part of the reason for the Brexiteers of Britain voting to leave the European Union?

Yes, quite so. President Trump,TU. and Prime Minister May might indeed have more in common than they have separating them. She probably most certainly have more in common with The Don than she might have in common with her more liberal and 'immigrant and migrant-friendly' European colleagues. 

It is quite likely that a leader such as Chancellor Merkel might be thinking that she could not have imagined that the British Prime Minister could have abased and debased herself and her country to such an extent. To be succouring up to a man who might yet prove himself to the nearest the United States has fallen towards having a 'banana Republic Dictator.'

Just like how Britain has been selling her soul to the Saudis for their 30 pieces of silver, while they level Yemen, so, it seems, she is ready to defer to President Trump's madness, in order to endeavour to enrich herself. And what will she do post-Trump, TU? 

Yes, Britain will will simply change her song, and sings the praises and songs of President Trump's successor, as if she had never been an ally of The Don. Such is the way of chameleonised international diplomacy. It is pathetic and devoid of honour and integrity, it it is politics, and this is how it has and probably will always be. 

Which is why prudent people have learnt not to trust it nor its practitioners. Why the electorate have become so disillusioned and disaffected, thereby partly allowing people like Trump, TU, to meanders his way into the White House, and to be wreaking the havoc he has now started. 

To be holding the people of the United States and the world hostage for an expected 4 years, but which many of us earnestly hope will not last for that long. Considering 4 years of him as President could be an unbearably long time, and, joined by committed or superficial revanchists such as the Erdogans and Mays and King Salmons of this world, are able to slow, if not pull back, the advancement of enlightenment which has been lightening up the world.

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