And to what purpose and advantage to the Palestinians, we might ask? You cannot maintain the kind of conflict which is taking place between these two peoples, without the pathologisation of their respective prosecution of to the conflict, and their relationship with each other.
By that, I mean, without both the Israelis and the Palestinians losing much of their humanity and debasing themselves and each other, in order to continue with the conflict. With this state of war and of neither peace nor war, at times.
And with neither people, especially the Palestinians, being able to honestly say, we are fighting, we are dying and we are sacrificing our lives and that of future generations, so that life will be better for the generations of our people who will come after us. No, I do not see that the Palestinians can honestly say, this is likely to be the outcome of their suffering and their sacrifices.
All of which, again, begs the question: Why are the Palestinians continuing to fight the struggle in the manner in which they are now doing so?
Is there not a better and smarter way of fighting for their and their children's and their children' children's future? The way of negotiating a minimum settlement, now, and allowing further gains to be made through a process of social and political evolution?
The land will always be there, and, yes, I do appreciate that it is probably mostly about the land, but, the land will always outlast the people who live on it. Indeed, how often have we seen the people having to leave the land, because it grows tired and is no longer able to sustain those who once depended on it for their survival?
How many of the Palestinian diaspora had been forced from their lands and have had to take refuge in other countries, where good fortune have blessed them more than if they had remained in the occupied territories?
Of course probably most of them would have preferred to be in their own countries, at least, when they are feeling spiritually estranged from their native soil. But we all have to move on, as it is the way of humans that some, many of us have had to leave our native homes. Either because we have been forced to do so, because of conflict, politics or economic factors.
The value of fighting and making sacrifices for a cause, any cause, is to be measured according to the benefits it is accruing in improving the conditions of human living.
The cause should not be placed above the value of collective lives and livelihoods of the people deemed to be its intended beneficiaries. If it is prosecuted in a manner which places it above the welfare of the people, then it becomes a cause that is no longer worthy of their commitment to it.
The Palestinian people cannot fight and defeat the State of Israel and its powerful western backers; not militarily. However, generational, the Palestinian people, by coming to a settlement with the State of Israel, now, could, in the course of time, significantly change the geo-political and demographical facts within the areas over which they are now fighting.
To the extent where the SoI will not be able to maintain her oppression of the Palestinians. Because of the proportion of the population they constitute, and their social, economic and political power.
They, the Palestinians, should not be afraid of living side by side with the Israelis, as separation leaves them more exposed and susceptible to being oppressed.
To be continued.
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