A person is a reflection of their culture, of what they believe and how they live their lives. A bridge between the past and the future, between time and space and needs to try to keep them in harmony, less they become unbalanced. Not to be aware of the past and give it due consideration in the building of the future can distort the future. Neither is it wise to sacrifice your future because you choose to live in or as if you are in the past. One World One Human Race One Destiny (OWOHROD)
Wednesday, 25 January 2017
In witnessing how Trump the Unethical is coercing, and, it seems, successfully, so far, to recruit American businessmen into supporting his plan to 'magaise' - make America great again - I find myself reflecting on the role the Krupp steel industry played, in helping Hitler to progress his despicable program to make war on the world and eliminate its non-Aryan population.
Like Krupp, the American businessmen might be feeling that they have no choice. That, if it is so, could be very dangerous, as it is often the refrain of collaborators.
I would contend that the President is exercising his Presidential powers unethically and corruptly, and it will be very interesting, if not frightening, to see how he will exercise this power, when it comes to his more specifically social policy agendas.
Will he, for example, simply tell his police departments to go out and rid their precincts of crime, anyway they can? Will he privately encourage the establishment of vigilante paramilitary forces, or turn the proverbial 'blind eye' to such developments?
It seems that all Trump the Unethical has to do, is to 'say yes', when he means 'no', and to 'say no', 'when he mean yes.' With the inference that 'you know what I mean, guys.' Thus he has castigated the American intelligence agencies, and then pathetically, but shamelessly, appeared before them to tell them that he supports them "1000 per cent.' It would not have made any difference if he had told them that he supported them one million percent.
Not only is President Trump the Unethical, a man without any honour or humility, but he is also a pathological liar. Which makes him that much more unreliable and dangerous. He will use anybody, and, probably, any subterfuge to get his way. Nobody should trust him; neither his 'friends' nor his 'enemies.'
Some people might think that President Trump the Unethical is intent on using a 'carrot and stick' approach to beat and induce the business community to do his bidding. This is not so; he is relying entirely on utilising the 'stick and bigger stick' approach.
There is nothing 'carrotish' about removing the authority of business men and women to make business decisions, based on the market forces within the business environment in which they operate. Instead of forcing them to do so on the basis of crippling 30/35 per cent tax levy.
The fact that Trump the Unethical might not appear to be benefiting directly from the undue and unethical pressure he is placing the business community under, does not remove the appearance of him acting corruptly in his dealings with it. This is something which needs to be investigated.
It should not be allowed to continue on the basis of 'its novelty', or the fact that the presidents before him might not have done so. They might not have done it before, because it is tantamount to extortion and corruption. He should be hauled before the Supreme Court.
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