There is great dissonance and turmoil in Washington, the capital of the United States of America, that 'great' protector and guarantor of the so-called 'free world.' This turmoil is, naturally, of great concern to 'the people of the free world', as it should also be to the people of 'the unfree world.'
It is of great concern because it speaks of great confusion and uncertainty, the kind which could lead to disaster, as the incoming Republicon Administration, in its attempt to 'show the world who is boss', could run the risk of yielding to the clamour of the hysterical political classes to make war on Russia, thereby being led by its dick and balls, instead of by wise counsel. Yes, with what is going on in Washington today, the opportunity is there for The Don to, probably not so much making American great again, but making it Sane again.
'Putin', 'Putin', 'Russia', 'Russia'! 'Down with Putin and Russia', has become the common, if unspoken refrain of the American Right and Centre, as both they and the desolate Democrats join in an unholy alliance to intensify the 'demonisation' of both President Putin and Russia. For having allegedly hacking into and interfering with the outcome of recently held American presidential elections.
Although it is more than likely that the 'hacking allegation' is only a part of a conspiracy with a wider purpose; probably including that of bring a quick end to Donald Trump's Presidency, on the basis that the Establishment sees him as representing a significant 'threat to American 'democracy' and government.
Having failed to get the incoming President, Donald Trump, to servilely accept the, in some cases, at least, unproven and unsubstantiated charges of Russian interference in the elections, and come out as unequivocal in his support of the establishment's position against the Russians, the American establishment has decided that it has to up its game.
It has decided to do this by making, again, unfounded and unsubstantiated allegations that the Russians have got a dirty dossier on Donald Trump. For Trump this is a very serious matter, as it is possible, but, how can he know? If the Russians deny it, how much reassurance can that be, when everybody should know that, the automatic response of governments to allegations of wrong-doing or harmful behaviour to other countries, is to deny it?
So, not only is the Establishment hell bent on destroying the credibility of President Putin and Russia, but it is now also intent on destroying Donald Trump's credibility, by contriving a machiavellian plot against him. By attempting to make out that he is 'a Russian plant.' Making him out to be 'a coward' for not 'standing up to the Russians to protect America's interests.'
That he is not capable of protecting and promoting America's best interests, which, are mostly the Establishment's best interests, but that he would be promoting Russia's interests. Interests which the American Establishment is now characterising as Russia wanting to dominate 'the free world', to replace 'American Christian and democratic values', with, in the view of the Establishment's guardians', Russia's supposedly 'undemocratic and evil values.'
To be continued.
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