Saturday, 14 January 2017


What can I or anybody else think, when we hear the American Senator, John McCain, actually saying that "Russia needs America as an enemy"? My god, for how long has the American establishment been predicated upon the notion that it must have 'an enemy or enemies', in order to convince the more undiscerning 'free worlders' why they need the military, and the assumed moral and political might of the United States to protect them? 'Enemies' with which to legitimise the existence and 'moral superiority' of the United States?

Yes, it is the American Establishment and its legitimisation which need to have the 'bad Russians' and strong leaders like President Putin, as enemies. However reluctant and unhappy they, the Russians, are to play their designated 'demonic' role. Yes, it is a role which Putin and his country's citizens might not want to have to play, but they seem to have little choice, as they are being forced and channelled into performing it. 

Yet, because their reluctance, it is likely that they will perform their ascribed role badly, but that does not matter. The Establishment, the AE, can always get its agents to plant a bit of fake news here and there, and get some of its proxies to perpetrate an outrage there and there and blame it on the reluctant Russians. That should not be too difficult, after all, not after the public have been indoctrinated for decades, into 'how malevolent the Russians are.'

Now, if it really is the case that the Russians have hacked into the America's electoral system, why are the Americans so indignantly making much ado of what would have been a flagrant failure on the part of their intelligence agencies? Have they no shame, that they should be so publicly displaying their negligence; the fact that the 'Russian Fox' has outsmarted the 'American Hounds'? That the 'predator' has been preyed upon by the 'prey'?  Why all of this unseemly and unashamed ganging up on the 'prey'? On this 'David', instead of hailing the achievement of 'under-dog.?

The fact is that the American Establishment and many national and political leaders in the west are jealous of President Putin's strength and successes as a leader of his country.  Of how successful the Russians have been in the international diplomat fields, whether it be in helping to secure the Iran-nuclear agreement, or breaking the impasse in the Syria proxy war crisis.

President Putin and Russia have been more effective in their international leadership, than President Obama and America have been, and, based on the current debacle taking place in Washington at present, than the incoming President Trump and his Republicon administration might be. 

America is now, it seems, greatly in need of prudent leadership. Unless Donald Trump can prove himself to be such a leader, however ironic that might seem, and adopt a pragmatic approach in cooperating with the Russians and the Chinese,  the country could find itself between a rock and a iron wall. Between the military and political prowess and leadership of the Russians, and the economic and increasing military prowess of the Chinese.

The incoming Republicon administration is probably doomed to failure, is if accepts the infantilistic and hawkish goading of Republicon and Democratic hawks, and assume a war stance towards Russia and China.

Many years ago, I read a books by one of my favourite author, ER Braithwaite. It was called Honourary White, which was the designation the then  Apartheid Regime in South Africa, accorded this black author. This, is seems to me, is what the American Establishment is doing with Russia and President Putin now, except that there is nothing 'honourary or honourable' in the role it is designating to them, although it is just as offensive and pernicious.

With hordes of mainstream American politicians, the media and their government hell-bent on terrifying Americans with the odious threat that 'the Evil Russians Are Coming', America, probably more than has been the case in the past 70 or so decades, is in great need of a prudent and strong leader.  One who will not allow the panicky, reckless and irresponsible incitement of the guardians of the military-industrial-political establishment to frighten him into causing irreparable damage to America and the world. 

So, how ironic and paradoxical is it, that this leader could be The Don; President Elect Donald Trump. Possible savour of America, but not because he to save it and its people from external malevolent forces, but from the stupidity, arrogance and destructive self-righteousness and deceit of the establishment political classes?

Americans should be careful; very careful, lest they should find that the gods, whom they had taken it for granted, are on their side, should leave them to destroy themselves in their own deceit and madness.

It is not the Russians and President Putin who are the enemies of the West and Western values. The real problem lies in the deceit and arrogance of West's elites, who would wish to deny every other country the right to contemplate and decide what model of society and government they want to adopt and develop. Instead of being forced to accept a model which can only see the world and the universe from the West and the standpoint of the West's elites.

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