Thursday, 19 January 2017


If Donald Trump, working with the cooperation of Russia, can break this destructive impasse, without replacing it with others, such as effecting his belligerency towards China, then he will have done something commendable for peace and cooperation in Europe. Even if it is to be achieved  only by way of his efforts to achieve his grand objective of 'making America great again.'

It is not too late for the EU and Nato - probably with the exception of the Trump Administration, or with it playing a less vital role - to come to their senses and grasp their fate in their own hands and assume a leadership role in, yes, making peace with the Russian Federation and ending the economic sanctions, and political freeze. 

For them to work to bring an end to the real and imagined conflict within the European family of nations. Europe and Asia needs to have a stronger alliance. The Ukrainian conflict and the Crimea issue are serious ones, but Europe should not continue to use them to try to bring the Russian Federation to heel; it will not happen. 

The EU and Nato are using these two issues as a causus belli in their relationship with the Russian Federation, arguing that their position is based on the principle of respect for national sovereignty, etc. Yet, they are also using it as a rationale for the the maintenance and enlargement of Nato, as Nato, if it does not have 'an enemy' or 'potential enemy' to legitimise its existence, will become irrelevant. 

Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Nato has become a military alliance in search of 'an enemy', real or imagined. Thus its involvement in proxy wars in the Middle East and Africa.

Of course, the issue of respect for each country's national sovereignty is fine, but only is it is being applied globally. Which it is not. As we can see from Nato and the EU's involvement in the invasions of Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Syria. How can the EU and Nato countries justify their involvement in and support for American and European invasion of those countries, and still want to make such a grand issue of the Ukrainian conflict? 

As I have said in the past, there is a danger of Nato's and the EU's newest formerly eastern European nations wagging both institutions and dragging them into inter-European conflict.

If European leaders do not take leadership of Europe, then they might find that the continent regress to its pre- Second World War volatility and insecurity. Most probably leading to further factionalisation and war. The danger is imminent, and I suspect that the German Chancellor is probably the only western European leader who might be able to get her colleagues to bring this about; providing many of them can take the time out from the pre-occupation with the immigration and migration crisis.

The Ukraine conflict and Crimea should no longer be allowed to become an insurmountable obstacle to the nations of eastern and western Europe cooperating and working together for peace and prosperity on the continent. Nato and the European Union need to draw a line under this matter, and accept that the Crimea is not going to be wrested from the Russian Federation, and they and the Ukraine is going  to have to, at best, accommodate Russia's position on the issue. 

There is no point in allowing the issue to become an incurable and malignant cancer between the Russian Federation and the rest of Europe. The Ukrainian government will not be happy, but it has to accept that Nato and the EU is not going to risk war with Russia to help it to regain lost territory. After all, it would not make the situation any better. At the same time, neither western Europe nor Russia will benefit from a perpetual trade embargo.

Trump's America is prioritising America's self-interest,although I and others do not think he is going about it the right way. So, it is  about time Europe does the same! It seems to me that China is showing the way where the world is heading. Europe needs closer alignment with Russia and China. Trump is probably right about Nato, which should probably be replaced with a trans-European force; probably even including the Chinese.

It is time for European leaders to start thinking out of the box and context of the 'old world order.' This much the 'age of Trumpism' could teach European politicians, and it is a lesson which they should take seriously, as 'Trumpism' is likely to remain  with us after Trump leaves the White House.

So, Russia and Europe, by all means, do continue to 'play games', but let them be more constructive and progressive ones, and not the dangerous and destructive ones you are playing.

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