Friday, 17 February 2017


Populism has not worked in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Syria, and there is no indication that they are going to work in Britain or America. They are yet to prove that they are not like Icarus; capable of taking flight and remain aloft, for a short time, before they are, by their own internal contradictions, they burnt and destroyed by 'realities' within which they must operate. 

Life, it is clear, is not about quick solutions to major and fundamental problems, unless you choose to commit suicide, in which case you will not be able to 'relish' your 'success.'

So, as the French electorate contemplate the advantages and disadvantages of planning to vote for this or than, political leader, and/or political party. 

Please, try to avoid succumbing to the old and new stereotypes and scapegoats. Avoid blaming 'the immigrants/migrants', and the Muslims for what has become of France. 

It is positive and enlightened thinking and attitude which is going to take France forward. France has her black and Muslim populations, who are not going to be going anywhere, but to remain in France, which has become their home.

This is the reality which the political and ruling classes, as well as the working classes will have to live with. There is not going to be any mass expulsion of black and/or Muslim citizens from France. 

The only way for France and the French people is to of working together as one nation, in order to address the social and economic malaise which setting French against French. As they have set British against British, and American against American. 

The problems or challenges which France and the French are confronted with are not problems and challenges which are unique; they are shared by all enlightened and multicultural societies in the world.

These problems and challenges will need the French people, of whatever ethnic, political and religious and secular persuasion to work together, as one people, to address them. 

These are not the biggest challenges France has been confronted by, so little credence should be given to those who would try to magnify and exploit the issue of immigration and migration, and propose divisive ways of 'resolving them.'

And so it is, that, France and the people of France need now needs a  prudent leader who can unite them to successfully meet this challenge, as well as the even more onerous ones which is confronting her locally and on the international stage.

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