Thursday, 23 February 2017



This is the story of a young man who, even at the pre-pubescent years of his life, appeared to have known that fate had something challenging and unfortunate in store for him. That, try as he might, fate would not be denied, and he would not be able to escape the devastating but challenging test it had decreed he should contend with.

On more than one occasion his parents would hear the then adolescent, without any sign of being frightened by the thought of what he was saying, matter of factly commenting on how he knew that he would be going to prison at some point. 

Probably just as how another teenager might glibly comment on how he/she would be going to college or university to do a course when they left school. The young man, as far as his parents could remember, did not say when he felt or knew he would be going to prison. Just that he would be doing so.

However, looking back and considering the tendencies he was already showing, such as truanting from school, disruptive behaviour, fighting and making friends with other children of similar tendencies, the young man might not have figured that he would have had to wait for too long. 

For his parents, however, his disclosure was not what they had wanted to hear. They found it very worrying. After all, which parent, unless they perceived imprisonment as a desirable achievement, would have wanted such a fate for and of their children?

And yet, seeing the mindset and life-style which their young son was nurturing, it was only logical that, however much they tried to banish the thought of him going to prison, they were only too aware that likelihood of it happening, was very real.

It had taken several years, during which their son had lived a rather precarious life, with phases when there had been glimpses and even periods of him being the kind of son his parents had hoped and worked for, before the feared fate caught up with this young man. A fate which, prior to its tragic arrival, they had thought he had escaped.

To be continued.

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