Wednesday, 1 February 2017


Ans so it would seem to me, that, it is not given or, indeed, can be taken for us humans to live and not experience the ranges of emotions to which all of us are capable of, and are likely to experience at different stages in our living.

To us is given the aptitude to love and to hate; to experience happiness and unhappiness; to experience sadness and feelings of elation and excitement; to experience physical and emotional pain, as well as physical and emotional pleasure. 

To endure feelings of fear and feelings of submission and fearlessness, of humility. To have to suffer the despair of war and conflict, and the tranquility and equalibrium of peaceful coexistence. 

To taste the experience of anger and passivity or calmness; sometimes to the point where either becomes an almost fixed part of our character, even to our detriment.

Numerous as the list might seem, there might be only a limited number of discrete emotions that we humans, and other sentient primates with similar kinds of cognition - though probably not the same range - possess. 

But for which we have numerous other sub-divisional emotional states, based on the intensity with which we are feeling and experiencing the impact of the basic underlying emotion.

For the purpose of this post, I would like to examine the emotional state of being worried or worrying.

One of the definitions Google has cited for the state of being worried, include numerous affective mental states. It include people displaying anxiousdisturbedperturbedtroubleddistressedupsetdistraughtfretfulagitated, and tense and overwrought behaviour. 

Quite clearly, someone who is worried, depending on the level of their worrying, can be suffering from quite serious mental health problem. Even though it might not conjure up the concerned responses which someone suffering from, say, acute depression, might evoke.

Without a doubt, as the saying goes, when we are very worried about something, we can feel as if we have the world on our head, but not the ability to easily remove it and relieve ourselves of the distress it causes.

To be continued.

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