A person is a reflection of their culture, of what they believe and how they live their lives. A bridge between the past and the future, between time and space and needs to try to keep them in harmony, less they become unbalanced. Not to be aware of the past and give it due consideration in the building of the future can distort the future. Neither is it wise to sacrifice your future because you choose to live in or as if you are in the past. One World One Human Race One Destiny (OWOHROD)
Monday, 20 February 2017
Today is another Sunday, although, for many people, the Sun might be very low in the heavens or behind the clouds in a cloud covered sky. For yet others, there might be nothing 'sunny' about today. All things might not be, for them, bright and beautiful.
Because their living will be fully of the usual hazards and tribulations which have been their daily routine. A constant struggle for survival against famine, war, poverty, crime, polluted atmosphere, floods, unemployment, etc.
And for others, today will be a day when they enter into their churches to give thanks to their god, offerings to the poor and to enjoy communion with their fellow Christians. For them, all or most things might indeed be bright and beautiful, and give some credence to the belief that the lord god made them all.
This is the apparent paradox of living, that some of us should be unhappy and in despair, at times, while others are blessed with good fortune.
By which we should understand that, because some people are suffering it does not mean that those who do not have immediate and direct causes to be unhappy and in despair, should not enjoy their lives to the fullest possible extent.
Indeed, this is one of the first lesson they should learn from the plight of those who have cause to be unhappy, to be afraid and to be feeling despair on any given day.
Life is for living and for living as happily and pleasurable as your circumstances allow you to do.
Think of and be mindful of those who are less fortunate than you are, and do not be reluctant to help to lessen their misfortune. Whenever you are able to do so, but avoid allowing their misfortune to become a reason for you not enjoying your own life and fate.
Not least, because you do not help anybody by becoming as miserable and unfortunate as they are. A lover does not achieve anything positive by taking his/her own life, because their lover is dead.
Two states of unhappiness or two people being unhappy, with the second attempting to achieve unhappiness vicariously, does not result in both becoming happy. Life is not reducible to an algebraic equation or formula.
For many Christians, their services today will be repleted with asking god for this and for that. To offer comfort to the poor, to the widow and widower, to the victims of war, of famine and drought.
Comfort to dispossessed, to help the rulers of the world to rule and govern their people wisely and for the benefit of their people. They will ask god to bring peace to the world.
And yet, this is something these Christians do probably every Sunday. As do probably Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, Buddhists and other faiths, when they worship.
To be continued
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