A person is a reflection of their culture, of what they believe and how they live their lives. A bridge between the past and the future, between time and space and needs to try to keep them in harmony, less they become unbalanced. Not to be aware of the past and give it due consideration in the building of the future can distort the future. Neither is it wise to sacrifice your future because you choose to live in or as if you are in the past. One World One Human Race One Destiny (OWOHROD)
Friday, 24 February 2017
So, why is it that after so many years of homicidal people, who have forfeited their humanity and choose to turn themselves into dehumanised bombs to kill humans, do the media continue to refer to them as 'suicide bombers.?
No, it is more than time enough for the media to cease to allow these dehumanised beings from taking over the semantics of our languages, and manipulate it to serve their own interests.
This is something which I find very strange and problematic, especially as it is usually the media which manipulates the written and spoken words and pictures to manipulate us; the viewer, the reader and the listener.
You do not transform yourself from being a human with heart and compassion, into a lethal 'self-propelled bomb to blow up human beings, and still retain your right to be called a human being, and your act, 'a suicidal act.' No, it does not work like that.
A person who wishes to commit suicide is a person who, for some strong personal reason, has decided that he or she does not want to live anymore. That they are no longer finding living to be the pleasure and happiness it is intended by fate to be.
I person who chooses to take their own life by means of 'committing suicide', is not a person who does so with any selfish motive of acquiring any reward from taking his/her own life.
If a person kills him/herself in a deliberate act intended to take the lives of others, in the expectation of, e.g., achieving 'martyrdom' or 'paradise', then they are misguided and deluded.
You cannot achieve anything of exceptional value by deliberately using your demise to effect the demise of innocent and unaware people.
No sane person would expect that 'paradise', except in the form of oblivion, or general respect for one as a 'combatant', can be bought by blowing up others in an act which ends in your own destruction. Such acts are not acts of 'bravery', but often acts of desperation in the service of a lost cause.
So, why is it so very wrong to label a person, no, a dehumanised being who chooses and/or might be forced by IS to blow him/herself up, in order to kill others, a "suicide bomber"?
The answer is quite straightforward; it is because the media and those who choose to use that terminology, places the emphasis on the life of murderous perpetrator of the act. Instead of that of the innocent and/or unaware humans who he/she kills and maims.
To label these culprits "suicide bombers" is to detract from the damage they have cause to innocent lives; to appear to 'glorify' their murderous acts', instead of drawing attention to suffering they have caused.
To make them appear to be even more human, in 'committing suicide', than the undoubted humanity of those whom they have destroyed and damaged in their desperation.
So, please, no more references to "suicide bombers." They are what they are, "homicide bombers", especially when you consider that many, if not all of these murderous acts would have included some element of coercion and force.
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