We probably really do only hear and see, what we want to hear and see, after we have heard and seen what other people want us to hear and see, for a long enough period of time. And this applies to whichever side of the geopolitical fence we are located on. It is called being 'manipulated', intentionally or otherwise.
The biggest fear the world has about Kim Jung-un, is that of whether this psychopathic tyrant who has made it his life's vocation to keep his leaden feet on the necks of his people, might or will attack his neighbour or the United States with nuclear weapons.
According to the people in the know, North Korea has nuclear weapons, which means that, just as with the United States, and other countries possessing such weapons, it is not inconceivable that NK's government could unleash nuclear weapons on the world.
However, while North Korea has become renown for its belligerence, it is the United States which has become renown for its involvement in wars against other countries.
This fact, coupled with the belligerence of the Trumpists, in my view, makes them a bigger threat to world peace than Kim Jung-un and the government of North Korea.
This is even more so when the United States is being blinded by its pumped up, but delusional sense of 'exceptionalism', and not realising that it is comprised of both 'god and devil' elements, which is the natural state of humans, as well as of nations.
An uncomfortable fact, but, in my view, still a factual and not a perceptual reality. It is probably of a little comfort that, over the past few days, there have been some signs that The Don is probably pulling back from the brink.
That the less pernicious of his administration and advisors might be gaining the upper hand in manipulating the President of the United States of America.
As they trip over themselves secrete themselves into more powerful positions, when The Don will finally say, 'I have had enough of being manipulated, instead of being the manipulater.'
For progressive people of the America and the world, that day cannot come soon enough.
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