A person is a reflection of their culture, of what they believe and how they live their lives. A bridge between the past and the future, between time and space and needs to try to keep them in harmony, less they become unbalanced. Not to be aware of the past and give it due consideration in the building of the future can distort the future. Neither is it wise to sacrifice your future because you choose to live in or as if you are in the past. One World One Human Race One Destiny (OWOHROD)
Tuesday, 21 February 2017
RM.- But I do what have am doing, and what I have done because I love my country, and I want to protect it. I really believe that I am the best person to protect my country. It is like my child.
TD.- I thought you would know that to protect your country, as you put it, RM, is not to suffocate it to death. That you would also know that to love your country is not to treat it like your own personal possession, but to allow it to prosper and develop to its full potential; to let it go.
And that is your problem, RM. Thinking of and treating Zimbabwe as if it was your personal possession, your wife, even, till death do do part, even if it means you killing the country to achieve this? For my sake, RM, I gathered that you would like to rule the country from your grave. Do you think you are some kind of Pharoah?
RM._ I, Robert Mugabe have made this country, Zimbabwe, into my own image. Like god is said to have made humans in his own image, and it is my duty to protect it, or to destroy it, if I choose to do so.
TD.- So now you have become like god, RM? You have made Zimbabwe and made it into your own image. Take a look in the mirror, RM?
What do you see looking back at you? Yes, a callous, old and increasingly feeble man. A vain and probably terrified man who is doing all he can to delay his inevitable appointment with his destiny.
Is this also the fate you want to bestow upon this country, Zimbabwe; that it should pass into obscurity, and become as contemptible as you have become?
RM.- I am not listening to you, TD. As I said, I love my country and I want to protect it as if it was my property. I see myself as the Chief of Zimbabwe, and I will rule it until and if I die. If I could rule it forever, I would.
Zimbabwe is my first wife, and I am not opposed to it being made into a funeral pyre at my death. Some people might see me as being corrupted, feeble minded, delusional and even being a megalomaniac, but I see myself as an 'African.'
TD.- So, RM, is that your final word on the matter?
RM.- Yes, it is TD. Except that you could tell god that he will be able to have his word with me, when destiny catches up with me.
TD.- And what make you think it is god and not me that you will be having that word with, RM? Don't bother to answer that, because I am done with you, as is god.
It will not be long now, as I can see that your intellect and mental faculties match your physical deterioration.
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