Sunday, 12 February 2017


As golf goes, Tiger Woods, at 41 years old, is still a relatively young man who could, all things being equal, plays the sport for another 19 or so years. 

However, all things are not equal for Tiger Woods and golf, and they have not been so for the past several years.

Tiger Woods has been a golfing phenomenon, and he and gold has been good for one another. He has imbued golf with renewed vigour and popularity, since he embarked on the journey of playing professional golf, and, at the sprightly age of 21 years old, won the US Masters at Augusta in 1997. 

Tiger Woods has achieved many but not all of the golfing records which he might have aspired to winning, but, notwithstanding that, he has won many and golf has clearly been very good to him. At points in his very successful golfing career, the profession has made him the highest sports earner. 

Golfing has also made Tiger Woods very popular and an icon. He has, likewise, made golf more popular than it had been before he became known for playing it. 

Tiger Woods, has, undoubtedly, become a golfing role model for thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of budding golfers. Some of whom are now on the professional golfing circuit, and are proving more successful than he, Tiger Woods, has been of recent years.

However, while golfing and Tiger Woods have been good to each other, Tiger Woods has not always been good to himself. And, by this, I am not just referring to the tragedy of the wheels having come of his life in 2010. 

Due to him proving himself vulnerable to succumbing to stupid and almost inexplicable behaviours us humans indulge in, at times, but which are doomed to lead to tragic consequences.

To be continued.

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