Monday, 20 February 2017


And it is as if their gods do not hear them; ignore them, constantly. Because, notwithstanding this abundance of pleading, of beseeching and praying, the world does not get any better. 

The wars continue, the floods and famines continue to take their toll, and the hearts of the people's rulers and their governments remain set in their way. 

Either the gods are not listening, do not really exist, or the elites who have the real power to reduce the number of wars, to invest more in peaceful pursuits and make our lives better.  

To reduce the number of people whose lives are being blighted by wars, economic and migration problems, are not listening to either the religionists or to their purported gods.

So, nothing changes, positively, and, still, the Christians and the people of the other theistic and non-theistic religions still continue to attend their places of worship and make their pleas. 

Probably hoping, even against hope, that, one day, just one day, their gods will open their ears and hear their pleas and answer them. 

The problem is that nobody seems to know when that one day will come, and whether humans will not have destroyed ourselves by then.

And what does it say of the faithful, when they continue to do something persistently, irrespective of the fact that it consistently fail to result in the desired outcome; even when they try to counter that reality with the subterfuge dictum of 'god works in mysterious ways'?

All of which leads me to pose this question: 'how is it, that societies legitimise the practising of beliefs which  there is a lot of evidence to suggest that they are fraudulent. In that they never achieve or are likely to achieve much of what they are promising the convert?

The question of the 'legitimacy' of religions in the West, be it moral or legal legitimacy, is even more incredible, when it is applied to the tests of rationality and the 'concept of western enlightenment.' 

It is as if there has been a conspiracy to stop submitting the concept and theories of 'god' and 'theistic religions' to the scrutiny of rational and enlightened thought and analysis.

To be continued.

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