Tuesday, 21 February 2017


Elor Azaria is embraced by his mother at the start of his sentencing hearing in a Tel Aviv military court on Tuesday.

This smiling, beaming young soldier is about to be given 18 months imprisonment, by Israel's Military Court, for murdering a wounded Palestinian knife attacker. Why, you might ask, is he so happy, when he is the perpetrator of a cold-blooded murder?

The arrogant looking woman caressing the young soldier is his mother. Why, you might ask, is she looking so proud of her son, a young man who has needlessly committed a cold-blooded murder? Why is she so proud of her son, whom the Israel's Military prosecutor said had, prior to his murderous act, an 'unblemished record'?

Why the absence of any remorse, any humility, any sense of seriousness as they await the probably pitiful sentence?

And then you realise you realise it; the young man and his mother, like those who support the young man and his actions, see it as all a big joke. 

A joke that a 'patriotic' member of the Israel Defence Force should be charged for killing a Palestinian, and one who had earlier attacked people with a knife. 

Yes, it is all a big joke that the young man should be charged and given time - time which he will probably not have to serve - for killing a man whom many in Israel probably consider no more than  'a kaffir.' 

The Palestinian, they might have reasoned, should have know what would happen; that he would have been shown no mercy. 

After all, this is how an efficient oppressor rules the oppressed; by means of a definite and strong link between acts of defiance and the force of retribution and compliance.

We humans, at times, find ourselves in situations where it is necessary or considered necessary to take the life of another human. A phenomenon which we might consider to be a necessary evil. 

But for this young man and his proud mother, it seems that the act of killing the probably mortally wounded Palestinian was an act of pride, of courage and bravery. It was an act executed in the defence of the State of Israel.  So, she might be thinking, how can the SOI dares to hold its soldiers to account for such an act?

To be continued.

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