Tuesday, 7 February 2017


Men, like women, are prisoners of our societies, and are therefore positively and negatively impacted by societal myths and self-evident 'truths.' history, which contains both truths, lies and myths, and contemporary media, have conditioned men and women into what is the nature of the 'ideal man' and the 'ideal woman.' 

And we, who constitute society, have, probably imperceptibly but definitely, been internalising and validating these notions by our actions. Thereby making the 'myth', probably the reality. Like real life mimicking fiction or, yes, 'myth', as it were.

And so have we come to give great importance to a woman's hair being or should be a thing of great beauty. Something which makes her fellow women jealous of her and which makes her most desired by men, if I might give effect to a bit of romanticism. And that is not all, a woman's hair can be like any of other her essential organs or features. 

A woman losing her breast, for example, will or can have catastrophic impact not only on her physique, but also on her perception of who she is, what she does, e.g., for a living, and on her relationships with her partner, her family, friends, work colleagues and the world.

And it is probably the same for a woman who fears the loss of, or is losing her hair.

It can literally destroy her self-image, her self-confidence and her self-esteem. After which, not surprisingly, there could be little of her positive identity remaining.

To be continued.

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