Men, in response to their own allopecia or hair loss, have now taken to shaving their heads when they are going bald. So, is it about time that society allows, supports and enable women to do the same? Make women feel that they have permission to go hairless like their men?
Do women have to be perceived as being less valuable, less sexually appealing and desirable if they do not have hair on their heads? What has hair got to do with it, if considered outside of the context of the myth of hair having everything to do with it?
Is it time for the advertising industry, the film industry to begin to use 'sexy bald' women in their ads and their films, to begin to breakdown the 'myth' that women have to have hair to have 'sex appeal' and to be feminine?
Which film maker and advertising company is courageous and pioneering enough to begin to think outside of the box, by making an add with bald as well as women with hair?
We know that having or not having hair does not define a woman's beauty, her intellect, her ability to be loved and to love, her humanity, her personality and her worth and ability to make her contribution to society.
Of course, women should also be courageous enough to take more responsibility for liberating themselves from the oppression of being expected to have hair and be defined by its presence or absence.
We need to see women displaying their baldness, so that it can begin to assume its state of being normal.
So, what is society's rationale for our oppression and mental torturing of women? Is it partly economic? Is it about the vested interests of the hair implanting and wig making industries?
In living your life and endeavouring to acquire as much pleasure as you can, avoid giving too much importance to non-essential societal constructs which, might inflated importance for you, but could be resulting in the oppression of those expected to provide you with it.
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