And so, without knowing if this a a battle we can win, us designated Brexit orphans, 'aliens' and refugees, must throw in our lot with the 48 percent of the UK's population, who did not vote for the country to leave the European Union.
And, as a consequence, place ourselves in the invidious position we now find ourselves.
And how will the 52 percenters react to our desire to preserve our own self-interests, as they, or many of them, act to preserve what they see as theirs?
Will they see us as 'being undemocratic' and as being 'unfair', because we, who are among the 48 percent of the people who want to remain united under the banner of the European Union.
Refuse to prostrate ourselves before the paltry 52 percent majority who would have us sacrifice our vision for their?
Why should we, the Brexited orphans of the United Kingdom, passively surrender ourselves to the invidious fate which has been allocated to us; that of being those to be decimated, as if we are Roman legionaires of old?
After all, we have committed no crime, so why should we passively and cowardly submit ourselves to the purported 'democratic will', which, according to the government's interpretation, deprives us of all we have built, all we have aspired to retain?
Why? Is the 'democratic will', the 'will of the 52 percent' sacred or sacrosanct, that it should be beyond being challenged, even when it has so obviously become a 'suicidal will', and an 'homicidal' one for the 48 percenters?
The 'head' has decided, so the limbs and the internal organs must, obligingly, submit, even at the cost of the 'head' depriving them of sustenance they need to survive?
And does the 'head' believes it can survive if, in its crassness, it kills of the internal organs and the limbs?
And so it seems to us, the pending dispossessed, that it is not only the bureaucratic EU structures which are greatly in need of reform.
But also Britain's outdated 'systems of democracy', with its 'winner takes all' approach, to matters which need more sophisticated and responsive system to better represent the differential views and interests of the electorate.
Which is why, 'we the people', the 48 per cent of the electorate who stand to lose so much from the crass, selfish, xenophobic and/or misjudged desires of the 52 per cent of the people, are not willing to sacrifice our desires for a better and more inclusive Europe.
We are not willing to pay homage to the god of an unfair winner takes all electoral system which is loosely labelled 'democracy.'
We are prepared to fight, and to do so with peaceful means, because we do not see any honour or integrity in forgoing our 'right' to have our views taken account of and reflected in this matter.
Because, the cost of losing this fight to keep the United Kingdom in the EU, would be too high for Britain, Europe and the world, and should not be avoided in the misplaced belief of us, the 48 per cent of the people, assuming the costly role of being 'good 'democratians.'
When a system becomes no longer fit for purpose and loses its legitimacy, as is the case with the 'first past the post system', it should be changed. Until this is done, it is legitimate for the people to not feel themselves bound by it anymore.
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