Finally, there are those leaders and countries that might or might not be aware that, as you, Don, progresses the implementation of your policies, which are intended to 'make America great again.
As you proceed to 'magatise' America's relationship with the world, in respect of trading with other countries, in respect of diplomacy, commerce and globalisation, there are those formerly friendly leaders and nations which will 'de-friend' the United States.
But for now, Don, man, tell me; what do you really have in mind when you speak of making 'new friends'?
Are you thinking of making Russia America's 'new friend'? Or, probably, Iran, Cuba, Syria, Yemen, and Venezuela?
And what about North Korea; is it likely that Kim Jung-un could become the Don's 'new friend'?
After all, all of these countries have been categorised by the United States Congress as 'enemy or unfriendly' states.
Being the apparent Christian you are, Don, man, you would know that there is nothing to be gained from having an existing friend as your 'new friend.'
But their could be an advantage to be gained from having a former friend or an 'enemy' becoming your 'new friend.'
Now, Don, man, if you were to make these countries and their leaders into your 'new friends', that would definitely remove a lot of the tensions in the world, and would be very conducive towards making it more peaceful and prosperous.
It could help you to realise your aspiration to create more jobs for Americans and by Americans.
But there would still be a problem regarding the American military, which needs a rationale for the 10 per cent increase in military spending you are proposing.
You need conflicts and wars to justify the size of the military, and that means you need designated 'enemies.'
There simply is not escaping that. Fighting wars is a means of job creation.
Peace is perceived by these industries as a despised 'an enemy combatant.'
Just as how 'clean air and environmental health regulations and laws are seen as 'foreign terrorism' by America's solid fuel industries and the many of their employees who rely on them for their livelihoods.
And so it appears, Don, man, that a 'relatively good and well-meaning President, can be made out to be a 'bad President', by the 'Washington Swamp', and a President like yourself, who does not mean the world well, can made the 'Swamp' into a more malevolent place than it already is.
A 10 per cent increase in America's military budget, as opposed to in relieving poverty in America, does not suggests the 'making of new friends for America. It suggests planning to make more enemies for the United States, which is already showing signs of increasing dis-unitedness.
But then, that is what the military-industrial complex which inhabits the 'Washington Swam' needs for its survival, and, as everybody should know by now, the 'Swam' always prevail, whether it is a Republicon or Democrat President administering it.
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