Sunday, 5 March 2017


Are us humans destined to driven to our destruction by the relentless 'drive to survive', and our failure to realise that we are now in the 'driving seat' as a result of our having attained ergosumness; the ability to think and influence our own fate?

And so it seems to me, that the destiny of 'man' who will drag women and the rest of humankind along with him, is nothing lest that what his history has been. 

Namely that of conquest, submission and domination, and defence from 'outsiders.'

Centuries ago, the Romans invaded other European lands and conquered the native peoples deprived them of their lands and/or demanded that they pay tribute to Roman Emperor. 

In the course of time, other conquerors followed them, and, in their turn and according to how they ruled the local and subjected people. They furthered the process of separating the people from their traditional and/or ancestral lands. 

Making it necessary for more people to become tied to feudal lords and to sell their labour, and, when called upon, sacrifice their lives in the service of their masters, in order to earn a living. 

And, as the rulers, the nobility and the land grabbers of Europe ran out of land to own and to give away. The more adventurous of them, backed by the wealthy merchants and business magnates, saw and seized the opportunity to send expeditions to the new worlds, to find or 'discovered' other lands and wealth to  claim. 

Other people to conquer and forced to submit to their rule. Thus were the native people of Africa, Asia, the Americas and the Caribbean forced to yield.  

With the Europeans arriving on their shores, putting them to the sword and canons, before claiming their lands, and defending their newly acquired possessions from other European 'outsiders.'

As it had been in the past, so it still is, today, although there might have been some changes in the methodology of the suppression of the existing native peoples, of how 'outsiders' are kept out, and the rule of the elite is 'legitimised.'

So, where is this taking me, you might be wondering? Well, just to ponder the ironies of the apparent driving force which is propelling us humans. 

The fact that, after all these centuries of more enlightened human developments, in our technological, intellectual and spiritual - and I do not mean theistic fables - we still seem to be, basically, driven by our selfish desires or drives. 

Preferable 'drives', because 'desires' speak of a conscious and planned objective we want to acquire, whereas 'a drive', in the sense that I am using it, is not a conscious or planned concept. 

It is, as it were, almost as if we are being manipulated, unknowingly, by an outside force; the 'genetic chip' within each of us, which is driving us on to do what was, but probably no longer is, necessary for us, as a specie, to survive.

To be continued.

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