Monday, 13 March 2017


Mad as Kim Jong-un is, he and his dynasty have come to be the beneficiary of the reluctant goodwill of the Chines government. 

This is probably understandable, when we consider the history of the Korean war, with the Chinese government supporting the North, and the American and their allies the South; what has now become South Korea. 

The Chinese are unlikely to have any love for the despotic ruling family of North Korea. 

But matters of state and international relations requires countries to do what they consider to be in their own best interest. 

China is not a reluctant supporter of North Korean because of any altruistic intent on China's part. Or because of China's support for North Korea's dangerous brinkmanship in goading the Americans and South Korea.

Most probably, China is being guided by realpolitik; she does not want the reunification of North and South Korea under the auspices of the United States. 

With all that would entails for America's hegemony in the region. 

Thus, China is giving qualified support to, though it has little to gain from the madness of the Kim dynasty. 

It is all about strategic consideration and objectives. And in the process, North Korea has become 'China's burden.'  

A burden which she could do without, as Kim Jong-un is not known for his listening skills. 

Or his prudence in dealing with the volatile relationship which he has contrived between his country, South Korea and the United States. 

The man is listening to his own inner deluded voice, which is telling his to behave madly. And which is not accessible to logic, whether it is proffered by his Chinese reluctant 'supporter', or by his American perceived adversary. 

He is risking becoming a nuclear arsonist or goading the Americans into, again, becoming the only country in the world which has attacked another country with nuclear weapons.

And what of Tayyip Erdogan; why is he perceived as being afflicted by the madness of megalomania?

The President of Turkey is nothing, if not an enigmatic leader. In his grand and mad desire to 'make Turkey great again', a disease with which the President of the United States has now also been afflicted, Erdogan is effectively setting waste to Turkey. 

He has transformed an incipient and even established initial peace agreement with the PKK into a return to war. 

A war which he seems intent of taking to the blood end; that of eliminating the PKK and all its supporters. 

In order to strengthen his power in Turkey and to set himself up almost as an Ottoman-like Emperor, he has, with machiavellian intrigue, set about changing the country's constitution and political system. 

All in the interest of  expanding and entrenching his power bases. To the extent where it has greatly weakened the country's legal opposition parties and provoked an unsuccessful coup against Erdogan's government.

To be continued.

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