For thousands of years, humans, first the priests, shaman, and the clergy, and then the ordinary people, have sought to speak with the gods, and then for the gods, always being secure in the knowledge that the gods would not denounce what they have reported of these conversations. So, why have the gods remained silent? Why have the gods chosen not to speak for themselves?
You see, G.Only then will you truly become credible for us.
Consider the Muslims, G. The more traditional amongst them proclaim that it is blasphemous to have any images representing God.
They would even claim that you, G, are so powerful that it is unimaginable for mere humans like us to perceive of your nature.
This, of course, G. Is not the case, because, as you know, we humans have and are acting to constantly increase over dominance over the earth and exploring the visible planets and universes around us.
The concept and practice of theism is no longer able to hide and remain mystified, in the darkness of lack of scientific and observable knowledge.
The Muslims all turn to Mecca when they pray, suggesting that Mecca and the Kaaba has special representative significance for them. It is symbolic of you, G. Of God and the Prophet Mohammed.
Turning to Mecca helps them to focus. To have an image in their inner minds when they pray.
Where they, in their relative ignorance of their evolving world, have progressed from a fear-based spirituality. To become more concrete and scientific, but less spiritual in their outlook.
Yes, I can see why you are so besotted with my essential nature. I could argue that the unsighted would not be able to see me, or the deaf hear me.
If I were able to make myself visible and audible to the world. But that as it may, T. We can accept that, if I do exist at all, which is something you are having difficulty believing, then I must be a 'spiritual diety.'
But, as you have said repeatedly, that is not enough; you need to know what is my outline. Am I like the shadow of a human, or a tree? Or am I formless, like the howling winds?
Am I like a shadow, or like the breeze, or like the felt energy of the Sun, or the cold feel of the falling rain, or the fearful surge of a tsunamious sea, or of all of these things and more, then, what of it, T?
T.: Well said, G. I can conceive of and appreciate you as a spiritual being.
Although, as I have said, I do find the theory of the resurrection, with Jesus Christ, according to the contrivers of the theory, finding necessary to physically, as opposed to just 'spiritually', disappearing from his tomb, incredible and contradictory.
Still, accepting the reality of the invisible but felt winds or breeze, the power of unseen energy of the Sun or electricity. I have no difficulty conceiving of you, G, being a 'spiritual being', if you exist, which I do not believe.
To be continued.
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