Tuesday, 18 April 2017


We the people love to despise, hate and ridicule 'our politician.' Consequently, it is a forlorn road to travel, being a politician. There is really rarely any virtue in being in politics today. 

Indeed, it might truly be said that being a politician is a mugs game. One which only sadists, power seekers and naive people seek after.

At the sametime, being a politician today, requires the candidate to be a person of much learning, wisdom, and/or cunning. 

And having the support of capable advisors who are able to provide him/her with well-informed information and advice.  

On all the different areas on which said politician will or might be called upon to comment and act.

It might well be the case that the people of the 'First and Second Worlds', the people of the so-called 'western democracies', have become somewhat bored, inundated with elections. 

With oftentimes the same faces and mouths spouting the same phrases and promises. 

Of hearing even different faces and mouths echoing the same phrases and promises of how they are going to change the world. 

Apparently being oblivious to the fact that the world will, indeed, change with or without them. 

Which is probably why it so often appears as if, despite the constant changes or appearance of changes. So how, things seem to be the same. Still needing to be changed

First we had the British general elections and Brexit referendum, and then we had the American presidential elections. 

The outcome of both causing the people to squirm and curse their fate. Or, at least half or more than half of the people. 

The political right, it seems, are in the ascendancy in both the United Kingdom and the United States of America.

And then we had a state election in German, and the great relief, that it did not result in Angela Merkel's party, the Christian Democratic Union, was not given the beating which had been predicted. 

And then it was the turn of the Dutch, with the much feared and even predicted victory of Geert Wilder's racist nationalists. In the elections. 

Which, fortunately, on this occasion, at least, did not transpired. Resulting in the the Netherlands' Prime Minister, Mark Rutte, remaining in charge of good ship, SS Netherlands.

And now, it is the turn of the troubled French people, to decide who is to be their President in the pending May elections. 

To be continued.

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