But, has it not also become a necessary evil? Indeed, probably the lesser of evils, since the ruling elites will surely find ways to legitimise their 'right to power and to rule.'
Even if the electorate chooses not to 'exercise their democratic obligation' to vote.
In the case of the French, unlike the English, who are restricted to the under-representativeness of the first past the post system, have the added advantage of a more proportional representative form of electoral system.
It is also the case that, unlike the British First Past The Post electoral system. The French system is more 'democratic' and representative of the different strands of opinions within the French society.
Like electorates all over the world, the issues for the French electorate are local, national and international ones.
They are about the 'French people', and 'others.'
About France, Europe, French colonies or departments or provinces abroad, and the rest of the world.
About French business and their economy, and about international trade and the global economy.
About keeping French jobs for the French and creating more jobs to reduce the level of unemployment, especially among the younger and older citizens of France.
It is also about immigration and refugees. It is about tensions within French society, between citizens of different ethnic, religious, economic and social and cultural backgrounds.
It is about terrorism and the fight against terrorism versus the encroachment of the State on the rights and freedoms of the individual. It is about the elites versus the masses, and about the havesnot and the haves.
It is about France's place within the European Union and about her relationship with Russia.
About France's role in the Syrian proxy war, and her collusive relationship with Saudi Arabia and its war against the people of Yemen.
In short, along with Britain and America, France's collaboration with Sunni States, for both economic and geo-political reasons.
In effect, it is about the everyday issues which confront a large multi-cultural, western liberal democracy.
The only 'uniqueness' about the issues over which the French election is being fought. Is that the election is taking place in France, and from a French perspective.
As opposed to in Britain, America, the Netherlands, Turkey, etc.
It is not surprising that all the main contenders for the Presidency of France. Will be proffering what they might see as their unique solutions to problems which have, in many cases, proved rather intractable.
Such as, for example, France's attempts to achieve whatever objectives she has been seeking in Libya, Syria, Yemen, and the former French Africa colonies, such as Mali, Chad, et al.
These issues require people of vision, prudence, competence and magnanimity to address them effectively.
To be continued.
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