Friday, 28 April 2017


The concept of 'one race being pitted against another', is, to some extent, like the 'concept of religion', built on a false premis. 

It might be legitimate to speak of a differentiated breed of cow, sheep, goat, et al. 

However, although the 'breed' will have some differentiated characteristics or attributes. 

Such as probably being darker than the other breeds, being more tolerant of adverse weather, or having greater immunity or susceptibility to certain afflictions, it is still a cow, a goat, a sheep, et al.

And so it is with us humans. 

There are some observable differential characteristics between a white European, a black African, a Chinese, an Asian person of Indian origin. 

But they will all have the same commonality of being of the  human race or specie, with the potential of doing the same kinds of things. Be those things constructive or destructive one

Their will all have the same critical or essential organs, and bodily functions.  

Even though their responsiveness to the same kinds of stimuli, might be partly conditioned by the particular environment and cultural milieu in which they were brought up.

Humans of different ethnic origins, like many other animals which demonstrate evidence of 'curiosity' when they witness something 'unusual to them', will naturally be curious. 

Beyond being curious, however, how the people of one ethnic group behaves towards those of another ethnic group, is likely to be a function of ethnic group's worldview. 

Of its position on the basic scale of human enlightenment, and its political and social maturity.

None of this seems to negate the fact that, all of us humans have a tendency to, at time, at least, become 'conscious' of the ethnic difference of people with whom we interact. 

And to allow ourselves to approach and/or treat them differentially - both more favourably and less favourably - based on the political, religious, cultural and/or physiological prejudices which have been socialised into our perceptions about them.

To be continued.

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