Saturday, 29 April 2017


Yes, racism does exist in society, and tends to come to the forefront during times of social and political conflicts. 

It is likely to be less evident during times of 'plenty', high rate of employment, higher levels of social mobility for all people, and high level of social stability. 

At time when people of different ethnic groups are enjoying themselves. 

And when there is not the need to include 'racism' as another rung in the ladder of social stratification, and a criterion to determine the distribution of a nation's wealth.

There might be no 'cure' for racism. Just as how their might be none for sexism, elitism, homophobism, xenophobism, and many the other 'isms' which adversely impact the lives of humans. 

But there is a way of mitigating and reducing the incidences and harm which racism can and does cause. 

It is the way of humility, and increased empathy. Of humans collectively working to reduce the cultural, the religious, the ethnocentric, the negative perceptual and the other  'adds on' which speaks too loudly of 'our differences.' 

And to maximise our common humanity. To mix and work and live together more. There is, after all, no further need for humans to dislike or oppose his/her own kind.  

Because of the difference between their skin tones, their physical features, and their hair texture. 

Not that we have more from the age of fear and mystery, to the age of reason and enlightenment? Is there?

And, finally, those who are adversely impacted by occasional or persistent acts of racism, will just have to find effective ways of dealing with it, and get on with their lives without or despite it.

As Martin Luther King so famously observed, 'we will overcome'. Even if each generation will have to play their role to advance the progress of the struggle. 

But not make 'the struggle' the main focus of their lives, which they should endeavour to live as happily as they can, despite 'the struggle.'

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