Imagine, if you will, this bullying and cartelised supra-block of countries, not only picking off and attacking weaker and smaller countries.
But also attacking and attempting to force other countries which support the protection of the sovereignty of these weaker countries.
Imagine, if you will, America and western European countries, and their allies in other regions of the world, acting like hungry hyenas and wolves.
And planning to bully Russia and China, by means of economic sanctions and military posturing and threats, into abandoning their exertion of their independence.
Imagine the political leaders of these countries intensifying their 'demonisation' of Russia and its government. In their attempts to force the Russians to abandon their support of Syria.
So that they can ravage and blunder it, with impunity.
Not because the West has the moral high ground, but because it is the biggest and most powerful power cartel.
Imagine, if you will, a world which seems to have gone mad. With Western leaders being afflicted with a virulent outbreak of 'one for all and all for onism.'
And international affairs and diplomacy be reduced to the intellect and mannerism of a parrot or ventriloquist's dummy.
And now, listen to the news and reports which are being disseminated hourly and daily by much of the world's the media.
And decide whether you really need to imagine such a frightening world. Or whether it is the reality which the political leaders of the west, is currently forcing upon the world.
The dictatorship of 'western democracy', which is clearly a frightening perversion of 'democracy.'
A 'new world order' in which only the western ruling elites' version of what the world should be like, is acceptable and have merits and validity. And in which no other version is tolerated.
An 'undemocratic new world order', in which the West does not allow or tolerate any opposition to or divergence from its perception of how the world should be.
A world in which the western ruling elites become like god and rule the world is if they are, indeed, gods. Because they feel that they have the political, economic and technological power to do so.
It is probably difficult to imagine a more forbidding world; the dictatorship of 'western governmental populism. '
In which its leaders have all become 'yes men and women' to the 'doctrine of western exceptionalism' and too weak to have and express their own individual views.
Yes, 1984, but much more frightening version. It is a world which should not be allowed to come to fruition, and those who are advocating it must be dissuaded and stopped.
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