But, of course, the West has used the ploy of accusation of a state having chemical weapons before.
It had accused the former Saddam Hussein's Regime of having chemical weapons.
And it has used that pretext to invade Iraq and brought about the situation which is now consuming Syria.
The government of Syria has no military or political advantages to gain from using chemical weapons in Khan Sheikhun or any other place in Syria.
It would be to this disadvantage of the government. It has no incentive to use such weapons or agents.
However, when it comes to the opposition forces or members of them, and to their American, EU, British and Saudi supporters.
It is an entirely different situation. It is they who would have most to gain.
It is they who would have the motive and incentive to use chemical weapons against the Syrian people, and then blame the Syrian Government and its forces.
It seems most likely that, if chemical weapons have been used on the people of Khan Sheikhun, the perpetrators are more likely to be linked to the rebel forces and their Western and Saudi allies.
This could be a potential Iraq 2 scenario, judging by from the initial response from President Trump.
An unpredictable leader who has already gone as far as indicating that American might begin hostility with North Korea.
Just as how the manipulators of the mainstream media in the West, led to the now deceased former leader of Iraq, not being believed, when he repeatedly denied having chemical weapons.
So is the same servile and deceived media now uncritically feeding the gullible public, with this allegation that the Syrian government using chemical weapons against its people.
When it is more likely to have been the rebels and their Western and Saudi supporter, who would be resorting to action. In order to achieve political and then military gains.
With the perfidious nature of the anti-Syrian Regime EU, American and Muslim alliance being what it is. It is too soon to rule out them and even their agents in the Syrian government forces conspiring to create this chemical attack.
That I would not find incredible. But what I would not find incredible, is that the Syrian government would defy all logic and perpetrate this suspected chemical attack. Thereby shooting itself, not only in both legs, but also its head.
And now, we should await the outcome of an impartial and independent investigation of this atrocity within an atrocious war, and base our judgement on it.
And not be swayed by the insanity of powerful western leaders and diplomats and experts conferring guilty and passing judgement based on "all the indication", and "it bears all the hallmarks", etc,
The West attacking the Syrian Government will lead to another 'Iraq', an increase in displaced Syrians moving to the West, and a 'godsend' for the rebels and jihadists. Like the Iraq Invasion, it will not bring peace or end the killing and the suffering. It would be a criminal and callous act by western governments.
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