Is the malignant 'American decreed fate of Iran to be that of a nation perpetually hated by the governments of America and the Nato/EU countries of Europe?
Instead of congratulating the people and newly elected President of Iran, the American government has taken to threatening them.
They have disrespected the people of Iran, as well as sending them a clear message of their maligned intentions toward them, by signing a $110 billion arms deal with the anachronistic Saudi Monarchy.
They have, in effect, said to the people of Iran and their government.
We have moved on now, and the exercise of the 'democratic will' of the people, as have been demonstrated by the Iranian electorate. Is no longer a sufficient fig-leaf to cover our country's cancerous hostility towards 'you people.'
What matters most is military and economic might. Which is why weAmericans, are re-arming our rich friend, the Saudis.
So that they can do all they can to frustrate your regional strategic ambitions.
Including decimating the Yemenis and arming the opposition forces in Syria, on the one hand.
And, on the other, using trade and economic sanctions to retard your industrial and economic development.
So as to make the lives of your people a misery, not in the hope that they will turn against their government and overthrow it.
But because we prefer; no, we need to have you as 'an enemy', rather than as 'a friendly nation.'
Why? You might be thinking.
Well, because, having you as an 'enemy state' is more profitable to us.
Since, not only can we can make more money from nations such as Saudi Arabia and her vassal Muslim countries, enemising you, the Iranians.
But we also have the convenience of their Muslim regimes committing their hapless citizens to do the dying for America's and Europe's geopolitical goals in the Middle East.
You might be thinking, by now, what can we people of Iran do to free ourselves from this terrible and undeserved fate.
Well, you can think as much as you want, but there really is nothing you can do about it.
To be continued.
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